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Whatever Quotes

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My philosophy when it came to pets was much like that of having children: You got what you got, and you loved them unconditionally regardless of whatever their personalities or flaws turned out to be  (Whatever Quotes) I imagine you working on me as an algebra problem, reducing me to fractions, crossing out common denominators, until there’s nothing left on the page but a line that says x = whatever it is that is wrong with me  (Whatever Quotes) Sometimes, you turn back. Sometimes, you walk away. And sometimes, you find the place you’re meant to be, and you stay there. You find a way to make it work. Whatever it takes  (Whatever Quotes) People didn’t make life, so they can’t destroy it. Even if we were to wipe out every bit of life in the world, we can’t touch the place life comes from. Whatever made the plants and animals and people spring up in the first place will always be there, and life will spring up again  (Whatever Quotes) Then I went home to continue my life, which had changed a little, as lives do every day, inching by microspecks forward toward whatever surprises are coming next  (Whatever Quotes) The past only had whatever power you gave it; life was what you made it and if you wanted something different from what you had, it was up to you to make it happen  (Whatever Quotes) Affection isn’t so plentiful in this life that any of us can afford to reject it when it’s offered, whatever its source  (Whatever Quotes) The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself  (Whatever Quotes) What had happened was this. When still young, I had gotten the idea from somewhere that I might be able to write... Maybe the deadly notion came from liking to read so much. Maybe I was in love with the image of being a writer. Whatever. It had been a really bad idea. Because I couldn’t write, at least not by the bluntly and frequently expressed standards of anyone in a position to offer any encouragement and feedback  (Whatever Quotes) He wanted to ask her what sound a heart made when it broke from pleasure, when just the sight of someone filled you the way food, blood, and air never could, when you felt as if you’d been born for only one moment and this, for whatever reason, was it  (Whatever Quotes) For some nights I slept profoundly; but still every morning I felt the same lassitude, and a languor weighed upon me all day. I felt myself a changed girl. A strange melancholy was stealing over me, a melancholy that I would not have interrupted. Dim thoughts of death began to open, and an idea that I was slowly sinking took gentle, and, somehow, not unwelcome possession of me. If it was sad, the tone of mind which this induced was also sweet. Whatever it might be, my soul acquiesced in it  (Whatever Quotes) She looked at her hand: Just some hand, holding a cheap pen. Some girls’ hand. She had nothing to do with that hand. Let that hand do whatever it wanted to  (Whatever Quotes) That is the moral of this story, kids. No matter how many people try to stomp on your happiness, you have the power to do whatever you want with your life  (Whatever Quotes) I leave you free to imagine any dialogue you please. Choose whatever may charm you. Have it, if you like, that they hear the voice of the blood, or that they fall in love at first sight... Conceive the wildest improbabilities. Have it that the depths of their beings are thrilled at accosting each other in slang. Tangle them suddenly in a swift embrace or a brotherly kiss. Do whatever you like  (Whatever Quotes) Art is something you choose to make... it’s a bringing together of... of everything around you into something that makes you more human, more khepri, whatever. More of a person  (Whatever Quotes) Nothing that had happened in the past could be taken away. This was an amazing gift. The past was done and over and settled; you couldn’t get it back, but still, whatever good you had gotten from it, spiritually, emotionally, would be yours for your lifetime  (Whatever Quotes) I know that sometimes when you are really worried about something, it ends up not being nearly as bad as you think it will be, and you get to be relieved that you were just being silly, worrying so much over nothing. But sometimes it is just the opposite. It can happen that whatever you are worried about will be even worse than you could have possibly imagined, and you find that you were right to be worried, and even that, maybe, you weren’t worried enough  (Whatever Quotes) Does that mean you’re prepared to deal with whatever turns up? People aren’t sometimes. When they learn the real truth, they’re all of a sudden content to live with a lie  (Whatever Quotes) If you find something precious you have to hold onto it with all your might and never let it go inspite of whatever else you may lose, after all many people die without ever finding that’s really precious to them  (Whatever Quotes) Being a fiction writer is really like being an actor, because if you’re going to write convincingly it has to sound right and play right. The only way that works is to emotionally and technically act out and see the scene you’re in. There’s no better job in the world, because when I sit down at that computer I’m the world’s best forensics expert, if that’s what I’m writing about that day. Or I’m some crazed psycho running down a dark alley. Or I’m a gorgeous woman looking to find a man that night. Whatever! But I’m all of those things, every day. How can you beat that?  (Whatever Quotes) Sylvia had given him a scalding lecture, the gist of it being that whatever a woman enjoyed wearing was feminine and anything she didn’t enjoy wearing wasn’t, and if he was too stubborn and old fashioned to understand that, he could go and soak his head in a bucket of cold water. He hadn’t quite forgiven her yet for saying they would have to look hard to find a bucket big enough to fit his head in to, but he admired the sass behind the remark  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever may be the tensions and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace  (Whatever Quotes) It was possible, he understood, for a person’s life to become just a long series of mistakes, and that the end, when it came, was just one more mistake in a chain of bad choices. The thing was, most of these mistakes were actually borrowed from other people. You took their bad ideas, and for whatever reason, made them your own  (Whatever Quotes) Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life  (Whatever Quotes) I realize it has become too easy to find a diet to fit in with whatever you happen to feel like eating and that diets are not there to be picked and mixed but picked and stuck to, which is exactly what I shall begin to do once I’ve eaten this chocolate croissant  (Whatever Quotes) And whatever my life had been up to that day, it was another life after that. And that is the gospel truth  (Whatever Quotes) A lover exists only in fragments, a dozen or so if the romance is new, a thousand if we’re married to him, and out of those fragments our heart constructs an entire person. What we each create, since whatever is missing is filled by our imagination, is the person we wish him to be. The less we know him, of course, the more we love him. And that’s why we always remember that first rapturous night when he was a stranger, and why this rapture returns only when he’s dead  (Whatever Quotes) Should the king in exile pretend he is happy there? Should he not seek his own country? His miseries are his ally; they urge him on. Let them grow, if need be. But do not forsake the secret of life; do not despise those kingly desires. We abandon the most important journey of our lives when we abandon desire. We leave our hearts by the side of the road and head off in the direction of fitting in, getting by, being productive, what have you. Whatever we might gain – money, position, the approval of others, or just absence of the discontent self – it’s not worth it  (Whatever Quotes) The man assumes the role of the loner, the thinker and the searching spirit who calls the privileged and the powerful to task. The power of one was the courage to remain separate, th think through the truth and not be beguiled by convention or the plausible arguments of those who expect to maintain power, whatever the cost  (Whatever Quotes) To struggle against censorship, whatever its nature, and whatever the power under which it exists, is my duty as a writer, as are calls for freedom of the press. I am a passionate supporter of that freedom, and I consider that if any writer were to imagine that he could prove he didn’t need that freedom, then he would be like a fish affirming in public that it didn’t need water  (Whatever Quotes)
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