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Whatever Quotes

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Well, any love makes us vulnerable. Whatever we love will give the gift of pain somewhere along the road. But who would live sealed in spiritual cellophane just to keep from ever being hurt? There are a few people like that. I’m sorry for them. I think they are as good as dead  (Whatever Quotes) The white people were as thick and numerous and aimless as grasshoppers, moving always in a hurry but never seeming to get to whatever place it was they were going to  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever may have been said of the satiety of pleasure and of the disgust which usually follows passion, any man who has anything of a heart and who is not wretchedly and hopelessly blasé feels his love increased by his happiness, and very often the best way to retain a lover ready to leave is to give one’s self up to him without reserve  (Whatever Quotes) I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations  (Whatever Quotes) Sometimes there is a wellspring or river of something beautiful and possible in the tenderest sense that comes to and from the most broken of children, and I was one of these, and whatever is was, I can’t name, I can only thank. Perhaps it is the water of life that saves us, after all  (Whatever Quotes) Love... no such thing. Whatever it is that binds families and married couples together, that’s not love. That’s stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesn’t exist. Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented, that’s certain  (Whatever Quotes) Ignoring is what you are supposed to do with bullies, so they get bored and leave you alone. But the problem in school is that they don’t get bored, because whatever else there is to do is more boring still  (Whatever Quotes) These people seemed so enwrapped in snobbishness and the glory of being rich that they had no art sense whatever  (Whatever Quotes) It wasn’t quite a question. It was more of an invitation to tell him whatever I chose. Eldric game me a choice, and it was this that made me want to tell him everything  (Whatever Quotes) The earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever you proclaim as your identity here in the material realm is also your drag. You are not your religion. You are not your skin color. You are not your gender, your politics, your career, or your marital status. You are none of the superficial things that this world deems important. The real you is the energy force that created the entire universe!  (Whatever Quotes) Fate is just another word for people’s choices coming to a head. Destiny, coincidence, whatever you name it. It inevitably lies in our hands  (Whatever Quotes) ... I must begin at whatever pace is possible, to work on the book of my own that I vaguely keep assuming lies at the end of the rainbow. It is after all my rainbow and if I don’t do it no one else will... Survival is the secret so you really can’t afford to doubt yourself for long because you are all you’ve got. The only thing to do is to go the limit with it. Exceed  (Whatever Quotes) ... Whatever condition we are in, we must always do what we want to do, and if we want to go on a journey, then we must do so and not worry about our condition, even if it’s the worst possible condition, because, if it is, we’re finished anyway, whether we go on the journey or not, and it’s better to die having made the journey we’re been longing for than to be stifled by our longing  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever truth we feel compelled to withhold, no matter how unthinkable it is to imagine ourselves telling it, not to is a way of spiritually holding our breath. You can only do it for so long  (Whatever Quotes) He existed a step or two to one side of the common world, largely out of sight, a shadow, all but invisible. Whatever he owned, either he could hoist it on his back and lug it along or he could walk away from it. Anonymity was the thing he loved most about the city, being a part of it and apart from it at the same time  (Whatever Quotes) To whatever degree he may have desacralized the world, the man who has made his choice in favor of a profane life never succeeds in completely doing away with religious behavior  (Whatever Quotes) There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We all must become the main characters or the stars of our lives. We are all different and start differently. But from whatever is our circumstances, it is very important that we find the opportunities to try out what we want to do  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever you want, at any moment, someone else is getting it. Whatever you have, someone else is longing for  (Whatever Quotes) Longing for something that you once had is a mistake because the pictures in your mind are never the same as whatever it is you are longing for  (Whatever Quotes) Don’t we all deserve forgiveness? I hope we do; I believe we do. Forgiveness says as much about the character of the person bestowing it as the person receiving it. Learning to forgive may be the most difficult of human acts,and the closest thing to divinity, whatever you decide that is  (Whatever Quotes) The most important thing you can ever know, is that whatever your purpose is, that’s not your only choice  (Whatever Quotes) I love teaching. It’s a job that lasts forever. Whatever you teach children today travels with them far into the future  (Whatever Quotes) I never liked that ending either. More love streaming out the wrong way, and I don’t want to be the kind that says the wrong way. But it doesn’t work, these erasures, this constant refolding of the pleats. There were some nice parts, sure, all lemondrop and mellonball, laughing in silk pajamas and the grain of sugar on the toast, love love or whatever, take a number. I’m sorry it’s such a lousy story  (Whatever Quotes) Desire is an appetite, quickly sated. Longing is a wound, an opening in the heart or the spirit. Whatever the cause, whatever the duration, it almost always leaves a scar  (Whatever Quotes) I shall return, doubt it not. Such love as ours was not created to remain unfulfilled. Whatever may happen, believe and trust in me, as I shall in you, and keep the remembrance of me in your heart without sadness and without regret  (Whatever Quotes) Mediocrity is always in a rush; but whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing with consideration. For genius is nothing more nor less than doing well what anyone can do badly  (Whatever Quotes) I wanted something that I could look back on and say, yes, you were fighting too, you burned to be alive, and whatever failure or accident of nature caused you to be killed could be explained by something other than the fact that I’d missed your giving up  (Whatever Quotes) There’s a trick to being whatever you want to be in life. It starts with the simple belief that you are what or who you say you are  (Whatever Quotes) Dysmorphia is when someone looks in the mirror, and sees something else. While I studied my own whatever I was, I decided that maybe everyone has at least a touch of dysmorphia; maybe it’s impossible for anyone to ever truly know what they look like  (Whatever Quotes)
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