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I’ve certainly never taken the care of myself that I should have. On the contrary. I’ve done a lot of late nights without enough sleep and all that. But I’ve had fun. Whatever wrinkles are there, I’ve enjoyed getting them  (Whatever Quotes) There are just times when it seems you can’t do anything wrong. Then there are other times when whatever you do is wrong. I think I could have had more drive. I was never very ambitious  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass. Every mistake you make, you will live through again and again, forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Because this time is all you have  (Whatever Quotes) People should know whatever it is you love to do. I am a living testament to the fact that you can do it. You can do whatever it is you put your mind to and you can do it in stilettos  (Whatever Quotes) Don’t accept less than what it is that you know that you want. Don’t allow someone to be a jerk. Don’t allow someone to disrespect you. Listen to the bigger voice in your head telling you that you deserve the best, whatever that is whatever that is you decide you like for yourself. It may differ from what I like or what is ideal for me. But the bottom line is to never accept less than what you know you deserve  (Whatever Quotes) As an actor, you have total rights to privacy and mystery, whatever your sexuality, whatever you do. I don’t see why that has to be something you discuss openly because you do something in the public eye. I have no understanding of why we turn actors into celebrities  (Whatever Quotes) Good actors never use the script unless it’s amazing writing. All the good actors I’ve worked with, they all say whatever they want to say  (Whatever Quotes) I do not hold that because the author did a bad job of writing the player need trump it with the same kind of acting. When I go into a picture I have only one character to look after. If the author didn’t do him justice, I try to add whatever the creator of the part overlooked  (Whatever Quotes) I’d take telekinesis. I could move things with my mind, and with telepathy I could control other people’s minds and make them do whatever I wanted  (Whatever Quotes) I still say I can do whatever I want as long as I’m not hurting anybody else. I don’t understand why more people aren’t like that  (Whatever Quotes) Well I’ve also kind of noticed that, whatever energy that you put out, is kind of the energy that you receive. And so people are just really lovely and kind and soft spoken with me  (Whatever Quotes) I understand that smoking is vaguely inappropriate in certain situations. You know, like an orphanage, cancer ward, whatever  (Whatever Quotes) I think whatever you do, if you are going to do well or even if you don’t do it well, you have to have a passion for it, and I am passionate about it. I love it. I respect it and it gets me. I get off on acting  (Whatever Quotes) Value our lives because we never know what day or what time itll be over,... Rich, famous, whatever, it just makes you appreciate just seeing today  (Whatever Quotes) Real success and accomplishment, at whatever it is you are passionate about, requires real work. Real sacrifice. Real disappointment. Real failure. And it requires the ability to scrape your sorry ass up off the floor, stumble to your feet, wipe the rivulets of watery drool from your face, and do it again, like an obstinate toddler running against the wall with his head in a bucket  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever you do, be happy with you. Don’t conform. You are who you are, and you shouldn’t change that for anybody  (Whatever Quotes) Very few people ever bother to find out what other people really think. They are willing to accept whatever they are told about anyone sufficiently distant  (Whatever Quotes) I think all those rules are boring. About what people can and can’t wear. Surely everyone should be able to wear whatever they like?  (Whatever Quotes) When what’s left of you gets around to what’s left to be gotten, what’s left to be gotten won’t be worth getting whatever it is you’ve got left  (Whatever Quotes) I’ve been kind of lucky. I’ve always just kind of followed whatever my passion was, and that seems to have led me to better places than if I had followed some career trajectory, which I wouldn’t even know how to start  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever your issue is, whether it’s racism or homophobia or policy issues or taxes or urban decay or health care, you’re not going to go anywhere with it if we don’t focus on the concentration of power  (Whatever Quotes) I’m probably one of the worst actors as far as preparation goes, because I actually don’t prepare. I find it easier to read the script and whatever hits me in my stomach, like deep down, I just go with it. And the director kind of molds me whether to go right or left with it  (Whatever Quotes) When you’re in a movie, they treat you like you’re four years old and give you whatever you want. On some level it’s really wonderful and gratifying, but on another level it’s rather disturbing. I’m sure you’ve spoken to movie stars and wondered: How do these people survive without babysitters?  (Whatever Quotes) The truth doesn’t hurt. Whatever it is, it doesn’t hurt. It’s better to know the truth  (Whatever Quotes) The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. I will do whatever it takes to survive…like I did when I was a homeless man  (Whatever Quotes) I really feel that if you’re gonna be good, you gotta practice... Practice whatever the hell you do  (Whatever Quotes) My philosophy is whatever you do, you’ve got to invest in yourself. If you don’t, there are a lot of people out there who will get the job because they’re more prepared than you  (Whatever Quotes) Creativity is the key for any child with dyslexia, or for anyone for that matter. Then you can think outside of the box. Teach them anything is attainable. Let them run with what you see is whatever they need to run with  (Whatever Quotes) I love stories about people that, whatever situation they’re in, you can relate to them in a way  (Whatever Quotes) If what that man did in his life, makes the blood pulse through the body of others, and makes them believe deeper in something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized by the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the memory, of those who honor him and make whatever the man did live forever  (Whatever Quotes)
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