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... you never knew what was going to happen in concert. It was a really exciting prospect to go onstage, and you can hear that in the live recordings... wherever we were and whatever year it was, we always went onstage determined to do our best  (Whatever Quotes) When a woman extends her hand for you to shake it, then you shake her hand. You do not turn it up and kiss it. And it is just so creepy. Because, you know, I handed it at this angle. I handed it at the handshake angle and so I’m not giving it to you to do whatever you want with it. I’m not loaning it to you. It’s like if somebody borrowed your lawnmower and you’re assuming they’re going to use it to mow their lawn. You don’t want to find out later they put it in the ocean!  (Whatever Quotes) Writers are lucky. Whatever the mood, no matter the longing, the writer can use his words to connect himself to any world he wishes to visit  (Whatever Quotes) The most important thing to remember about depression is this: you do not get the time back. It is not tacked on at the end of your life to make up for the disaster years. Whatever time is eaten by a depression is gone forever. The minutes that are ticking by as you experience the illness are minutes you will not know again  (Whatever Quotes) I believe that, with anything in life, if you have the patience, desire and passion, you can do whatever you set your mind to  (Whatever Quotes) How delightful is the company of generous people, who overlook trifles and keep their minds instinctively fixed on whatever is good and positive in the world about them. People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding. But magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it. And what is more, they find it everywhere  (Whatever Quotes) No matter how much the government controls the economic system, any problem will be blamed on whatever small zone of freedom that remains  (Whatever Quotes) The formula for success is every guy can make a difference for the entire team in whatever his role is. And to do it right, to get it right, is a critical factor in being successful  (Whatever Quotes) Happiness is closer to the experience of acceptance and contentment than it is to pleasure. True happiness exists as the spacious and compassionate heart’s willingness to feel whatever is present  (Whatever Quotes) Do something that you love. Whatever you’re going to do is going to be tough enough. Find something that gets you so excited that the sun can’t come up early enough in the morning because you want to go do your thing  (Whatever Quotes) Put together all the existing families and you have society. It is as simple as that. Whatever kind of training took place in the individual family will be reflected in the kind of society that these families create  (Whatever Quotes) Real crying usually lasts two minutes or less, but may continue for five. After that point, the child is merely complaining... I would require him to stop the protest crying, usually by offering him a little more of whatever caused the original tears  (Whatever Quotes) In every chain of reasoning, the evidence of the last conclusion can be no greater than that of the weakest link of the chain, whatever may be the strength of the rest  (Whatever Quotes) The whole point of animation to me is to tell a story, make a joke, express an idea. The technique itself doesn’t really matter. Whatever works is the thing to use  (Whatever Quotes) I figured something out. And it is no secret what I figured out. Whatever the majority of people were doing, I found myself doing the opposite. I wanted to chase something great  (Whatever Quotes) We cannot be fearful all the time; we have to rise above our fear, whatever is to happen to us, however our conditions may challenge us. To be fearless is a decision that one must make. And this fearlessness becomes the fundamental ground of nonviolence  (Whatever Quotes) Gesture will survive whatever kind of light you have. Gesture can triumph over anything because of its narrative content  (Whatever Quotes) We’re all going to have to learn to live together and develop a greater tolerance and get rid off whatever our fathers gave us in the way of hatred between nations  (Whatever Quotes) It will remain remarkable, in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of the consciousness is the ultimate universal reality  (Whatever Quotes) Gradually, physicists began to realise that nature, at the atomic level, does not appear as a mechanical universe composed of fundamental building blocks, but rather as a network of relations, and that, ultimately, there are no parts at all in this interconnected web. Whatever we call a part is merely a pattern that has some stability and therefore captures our attention  (Whatever Quotes) I’m a teammate guy, so whatever I can do to help my team to win like I have the past two years, that’s what I want to do. If it takes for me to play first base, third base, right field, I just want to win the game  (Whatever Quotes) Everybody is different and I think that we live in a material world. But for me, possessing things is not that interesting. Living in a grand environment to show myself and others that I have wealth has zero appeal. Whatever I own is temporary, since we’re only here for a short period of time. It’s what we do and produce, it’s our actions, that will last forever. That’s real value  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever else it might be, the divine is certainly the thing that imposes with maximum intensity the sensation of being alive  (Whatever Quotes) I cannot understand antiabortion arguments that center on the sanctity of life. As a species, we’ve fairly comprehensively demonstrated that we don’t believe in the sanctity of life. The shrugging acceptance of war, famine, epidemic, pain, and lifelong, grinding poverty show us that, whatever we tell ourselves, we’ve made only the most feeble of efforts to really treat human life as sacred  (Whatever Quotes) If you do things to the limit, and don’t purposely go over that limit, then I think it’s fine to do whatever you want. So long as you enjoy it. That’s what’s important  (Whatever Quotes) Once you free your mind about the concept of harmony and of music being correct, you can do whatever you want. So nobody told me what to do, and there was no preconception of what to do  (Whatever Quotes) When you paint, try to put down exactly what you see. Whatever else you have to offer will come out anyway  (Whatever Quotes) I know that if I say something that’s considered outrageous, a group will take it, create an email blast, and use me to raise money or to do whatever, to build their profile  (Whatever Quotes) I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you’ll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed  (Whatever Quotes) If you are willing to take an instant to withdraw attention from whatever your internal dialogue is, to withdraw energy from whatever the latest point of view about your suffering is, it is immediately obvious what is here: the fullness, the richness and the love of oneself as conscious life  (Whatever Quotes)
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