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Whatever Quotes

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I would say that we have to explore and find ways to make our game a better game and take care of our players in whatever way possible. Regardless of what other stigmas might be involved, we have to do this because the world of medicine is doing this  (Whatever Quotes) If you sit on, sleep on, stare at, or touch something for more than an hour a day, spend whatever it takes to get the best  (Whatever Quotes) True courage is the willingness to fully experience whatever you are feeling at the moment. You can attempt to run from your emotions, but eventually they will catch up with you. They will chase you, haunt you, until finally you give up the chase  (Whatever Quotes) I’m accused of having no morality, which is a fair assessment, because my morality is whatever the system allows  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever your trials, remind yourself that you are a spirit and are capable of changing your destiny  (Whatever Quotes) We do not raise our children alone... Our children are also raised by every peer, institution, and family with which they come in contact. Yet parents today expect to be blamed for whatever results occur with their children, and they expect to do their parenting alone  (Whatever Quotes) This is how it works. I love the people in my life, and I do for my friends whatever they need me to do for them, again and again, as many times as is necessary. For example, in your case you always forgot who you are and how much you’re loved. So what I do for you as your friend is remind you who you are and tell you how much I love you. And this isn’t any kind of burden for me, because I love who you are very much. Every time I remind you, I get to remember with you, which is my pleasure  (Whatever Quotes) Everybody agrees that whatever the solutions are to the big problems, they... can never be without some element of education  (Whatever Quotes) I knew out of high school I didn’t want to go to college. I knew what whatever I did wouldn’t have anything to do with college  (Whatever Quotes) I want the real deal whatever that means and whatever it takes to get there so I’ve been exploring  (Whatever Quotes) Always, with any movie that I do, I have a book of ideas that I’ve heard, or seen, or whatever, and I always try to incorporate it in the film  (Whatever Quotes) If you love your dad, it’s tough when he dies. If you don’t like your dad, it’s tough when he dies. Because you lose that guy. Whatever you didn’t get, you miss. And what you did get, you miss  (Whatever Quotes) Don’t assume that what we currently think is out there is the full story. Go after the dark matter, in whatever field you choose to explore  (Whatever Quotes) I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks!  (Whatever Quotes) Let’s never forget that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear, that the opposite may also be true  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever your favorite genre is, you can probably trace your love for it back to one single book that really moved you  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever promises offered by dictators in any negotiated settlement, no one should ever forget that the dictators may promise anything to secure submission from their democratic opponents, and then brazenly violate those same agreements  (Whatever Quotes) Depending on their fondest memory of you, most people hold on so tightly to their fondest memory they don’t usually let you be anything greater than that. And that’s one of the things I think I allowed myself to be a victim of earlier in my career. What I learned as I got older is I decide. I decide what it’s like for me, not other people. You can be whatever you’d like to be. You just have to choose it  (Whatever Quotes) I think it would be very difficult to maintain one kind of art or whatever for your whole life. I think it’s unrealistic  (Whatever Quotes) I am like a tree in a forest. Birds come to the tree, they sit on its branches and eat its fruits. To the birds, the fruit may be sweet or sour or whatever. The birds say sweet or they say sour, but from the tree’s point of view, this is just the chattering of birds  (Whatever Quotes) Oh, that we could but convince men and women that murmuring spirit is a greater evil than any affliction, whatever the affliction!  (Whatever Quotes) In printmaking, I essentially use the same process as in painting with one important exception... to try, with sensitivity to the medium to emphasize what printing can do best... better than say, painting or collaging or watercolour or drawing or whatever... Otherwise, the artist expresses the same vision in graphics that he does in his other work  (Whatever Quotes) Whatever I’m already doing becomes enhanced when I smoke pot. It can also be demotivating, because if I’m not doing anything and I smoke a joint, it enhances just sitting in a chair. Then I don’t even want to get up to change a record. That might not be a bad thing, but you have to get things done once in a while  (Whatever Quotes) The magician depends for the success of his art upon the credulity of the people. Whatever mystifies, excites curiosity; whatever in turn baffles this curiosity, works the marvelous  (Whatever Quotes) People’s need to protect their own egos know no bounds. They will lie, cheat, steal, even kill, to do whatever it takes to maintain what we call ego boundries  (Whatever Quotes) So don’t stop moving forward. For a while, you may feel as though you’re taking two steps forward, one step back. And there may be some personal heartache along the way. But when you look your little ones in the eye, you will find your voice and take a stand for them. We are their voices. And we must have the courage to stand up for them, whatever the odds or however powerful the opposition might be  (Whatever Quotes) So what if you end up buying a size 6 instead of a 4? You can always cut out the label at home, and you’ll pretty soon forget whatever that number was because you’ll be too busy admiring how fantastic you look  (Whatever Quotes) Remember that there’s no one way of doing things... If you just get a hammer and hit it really hard, whatever it is, I guarantee you it’ll open  (Whatever Quotes) Don’t sell yourself short. No one will value you. Set a fair price for you, your book, your services, whatever it is that you have to offer. Most of us set way too low a price. Put it a little higher than you would normally be inclined to do. The worst that can happen is someone will come along and steal it  (Whatever Quotes) O was infinitely more moving when her body was covered with marks, of whatever kind, if only because these marks made it impossible for her to cheat and immediately proclaimed, the moment they were seen, that anything went as far as she was concerned. For to know this was one thing, but to see the proof of it, and to see the proof constantly renewed, was quite another  (Whatever Quotes)
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