Whatever Quotes

Text Quotes
A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. Then, whatever the situation he may be in, he always knows what he must say and do. He may fall, but he cannot bring shame upon himself or his cause. If we seek the liberation of the people by means of a lie, we will surely grow confused, go astray, and loose sight of our objective, and if we have any influence at all on the people we will lead them astray as well-in other words, we will be acting in the spirit of reaction and to its benefit (Whatever Quotes)
My experience is that you can’t possibly win against whatever the tidal wave is that’s coming at you (Whatever Quotes)
I think a lot of nice things happen when you’re driving, or when you’re on a plane, or whatever. There’s a certain freedom that comes along with motion (Whatever Quotes)
I think a man needs to be a man. To hold a woman the way she wants to be held. Just do whatever your woman wants, and you’ll be fine (Whatever Quotes)
There are people that regardless of what it is, if it’s something that’s stressful, whatever it may be, they don’t eat, they lose a lot of weight, a divorce, they get real thin. I’m the opposite (Whatever Quotes)
There’s a choice that we have to make as people, as individuals. If you want to be great at something, there’s a choice you have to make. We all can be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that. Family time, hanging out with friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with making that decision (Whatever Quotes)
Therefore, I see whatever exists as good, death is to me like life, sin like holiness, wisdom like foolishness, everything has to be as it is, everything only requires my consent, only my willingness, my loving agreement, to be good for me, to do nothing but work for my benefit, to be unable to ever harm me (Whatever Quotes)
The best books, they don’t talk about things you never thought about before. They talk about things you’d always thought about, but you didn’t think anyone else had thought about. You read them, and suddenly you’re a little bit less alone in the world. You’re part of this cosmic community of people who’ve thought about this thing, whatever it happens to be (Whatever Quotes)
I don’t think that faith, whatever you’re being faithful about, really can be scientifically explained. And I don’t want to explain this whole life business through truth, science. There’s so much mystery. There’s so much awe (Whatever Quotes)
People have opinions about everything and especially when you get into that world of animal rights or tree rights or whatever rights, they all have an opinion (Whatever Quotes)
I think that having comedy where people talk the way they really talk, when you talk with your friends and whatever, it’s really, it’s important. Or else you’re making stuff that’s a little bit watered down and irrelevant (Whatever Quotes)
God has to let you be there, and then you just have to have good fortune for whatever reason. I’m enjoying every moment of my life. We are so fortunate just to be alive (Whatever Quotes)
I like to invest as a performer in the director’s vision and then bring a sense of reality to whatever I’m doing, whether it’s comedy or whether it’s drama, and trust that they’re going to tell me if something’s reading as funny or if it’s reading as dramatic or reading in the right tone (Whatever Quotes)
The universe will put signposts in your life. You can either ignore them or embrace them. You can choose and wish for all the things you want, but the things that are coming to you, you will never be able to hide from and the things that you want so bad that are not supposed to be for you for whatever reason, they’ll never come to you (Whatever Quotes)
When I was a child it was very clear what I was allowed to see and what I was not allowed to see and there was no discussion or option or negotiation. Whatever my mom said, that’s what went down (Whatever Quotes)
I think everyone should sell whatever product they want to sell for whatever price they want to sell it for, but ultimately the market will dictate what it is and people will have to charge less money for everything. Record companies have been overcharging people for way too long and now this is the trouble that they’re in (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever life lesson I’m going through at any point in my life, projects just somehow magically appear that help me work through it (Whatever Quotes)
I used to be so aggressive, but after a while I started learning. It’s not that I know how to adapt, but I know all styles of fighting so I can change my style of fighting to whatever it needs to be. That just comes from years of training and a lot of sparring partners (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever you put your attention on in this life, will increase in your life. As you put your attention on angels, they will begin increasingly to make their presence known to you (Whatever Quotes)
Nature herself does not distinguish between what seed it receives. It grows whatever seed is planted; this is the way life works. Be mindful of the seeds you plant today, as they will become the crop you harvest (Whatever Quotes)
If you’re interested, you will do what is convenient; if you’re committed, you’ll do whatever it takes (Whatever Quotes)
Remember, you are moving toward a lifetime commitment. Whatever is concealed now will eventually be revealed (Whatever Quotes)
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Whatever Quotes)
Heaven is a place where you can get all you want of whatever you like. Heaven is not the end: it’s only the beginning (Whatever Quotes)
You can’t take it with you! Whatever you have there you will have already sent ahead in the way of souls won, victories won, battles won and rewards won for your service here! (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever you focus on, you become. That is the key line, you know. Meditation is the bow and concentration is the arrow (Whatever Quotes)
I do not suffer; I cannot suffer because I am not an object. Of course there is suffering. But do you realize what this suffering is? I am the suffering. Whatever is manifested, I am the functioning. Whatever is perceptible I am the perceiving of it. Whatever is done I am the doing of it; I am the doer of it, and, understand this, I am also that which is done. In fact, I am the total functioning (Whatever Quotes)
I was often humiliated to see men disputing for a piece of bread, just as animals might have done. My feelings on this subject have very much altered since I have been personally exposed to the tortures of hunger. I have discovered, in fact, that a man, whatever may have been his origin, his education, and his habits, is governed, under certain circumstances, much more by his stomach than by his intelligence and his heart (Whatever Quotes)
Karma simply means that whatever type of energy you project, or you allow to pass through your being, you will become for a period of time (Whatever Quotes)
If your motives are high and noble and your work is hard and you do a good job, then whatever the task is in your life, it will benefit you (Whatever Quotes)