Whatever Quotes

Text Quotes
Since you’re going to die anyway, why not go do whatever it is you are in the mood to do. To postpone anything is ridiculous, if it’s important to you (Whatever Quotes)
The state between birth and death is not sympathetic. It is a flow system. Whatever your conscious level is, that is how you will reincarnate (Whatever Quotes)
Don’t worry about what others say about your music. Pursue whatever you are hearing... but if everybody really hates your music maybe you could try some different approaches (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever you dream is you find a way to get there, even if you’re not paid a lot. Do it for the love of what you do (Whatever Quotes)
There are two ways. One is to be a puppet, follow the culture, and do whatever they want. That was mentally disturbing to me, and still is. And the other way is to go out. I knew there would be problems from my family, and also from my environment. But I thought that physical pain would be better than the mental pain. And I started working as an artist (Whatever Quotes)
We’re attracted to bad guys, and we like to follow bad guys, because they do things that we want to do but just don’t do, for whatever reasons (Whatever Quotes)
Every film I try and make it the way I see it in my head, and it really just depends on the script and the people I’m working with or whatever interests me at that particular time (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever controls us is our lord. The person who seeks power is controlled by power. The person who seeks acceptance is controlled by acceptance. We do not control ourselves. We are controlled by the lord of our lives (Whatever Quotes)
Time isn’t the enemy. Fear of change is. Accept that nothing lasts forever and you’ll start to appreciate the advantages of whatever age you are now (Whatever Quotes)
My life can be so arranged that I can live on whatever I have. If I cannot live as I have lived in the past, I shall live differently, and living differently does not mean living with less attention to the things that make life gracious and pleasant or with less enjoyment of things of the mind (Whatever Quotes)
Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter (Whatever Quotes)
Writing poetry, we live among the wild beasts, and when we touch a man, the stuff of someone in whom we believed, and he goes to pieces like a rotten pie, you... gather together whatever can be salvaged, while I cup my hands around the live coal of life (Whatever Quotes)
An ear for music is very different from a taste for music. I have no ear whatever; I could not sing an air to save my life; but I have the intensest delight in music, and can detect good from bad (Whatever Quotes)
Relationship is a pervading and changing mystery... brutal or lovely, the mystery waits for people wherever they go, whatever extreme they run to (Whatever Quotes)
In producers, loafing is productive; and no creator, of whatever magnitude, has ever been able to skip that stage, any more than a mother can skip gestation (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever each man can separately do, without trespassing upon others, he has a right to do for himself; and he has a right to a fair portion of all which society, with all it combinations of skill and force, can do in his favor. In this partnership all men have equal rights; but not to equal things (Whatever Quotes)
It is probable that there is no one thing that it is of eminent importance for a child to learn. The true object of juvenile education, is to provide, against the age of five and twenty, a mind well regulated, active, and prepared to learn. Whatever will inspire habits of industry and observation, will sufficiently answer this purpose (Whatever Quotes)
To save a life is a real and beautiful thing. To make a home for the homeless, yes, it is a thing that must be good; whatever the world may say, it cannot be wrong (Whatever Quotes)
Paradoxically, we fail to disclose ourselves to other people because we want so much to be loved. Because we feel that way, we present ourselves as someone we think can be loved and accepted, and we conceal whatever would mar that image (Whatever Quotes)
To pray together, in whatever tongue or ritual, is the most tender brotherhood of hope and sympathy that man can contract in this life (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever we read from intense curiosity gives us the model of how we should always read. Plodding along page after page with an equal attention to each word results in attention to mere words (Whatever Quotes)
Our path is sometimes rough and sometimes smooth; nonetheless, life is a constant journey... whatever we do is regarded as our journey, our path. That path consists of opening oneself to the road, opening oneself to the steps we are about to take (Whatever Quotes)
We cannot avoid our lives. We have to face our lives, young or old, rich or poor. Whatever happens, we cannot save ourselves from our lives at all... the more you understand, the more you will realize your own responsibility (Whatever Quotes)
When you love, whatever you do is because you want to do it. It becomes a pleasure, it’s like a game, and you have fun with it. When you love, you don’t expect something to happen; whatever happens is okay, and hardly anything disappoints you (Whatever Quotes)
In the end I realize that whatever meaning that picture has is the accumulated meaning of ten thousand brushstrokes, each one being decided as it was painted (Whatever Quotes)
Each man must take the material that he finds at hand, see that in it there are the big truths of life, the fundamentally big forces, and then express in his art whatever is the cause of his pleasure (Whatever Quotes)
However minutely labored the picture may be in the detail, the whole will have a false and even an unfinished appearance, at whatever distance, or in whatever light it can be shown (Whatever Quotes)
The very essence of playfulness is an openness to anything that may happen, the feeling that whatever happens, it’s okay... you’re either free to play, or you’re not (Whatever Quotes)
Such young men are often awkward, ungainly, and not yet formed in their gait; they straggle with their limbs, and are shy; words do not come to them with ease, when words are required, among any but their accustomed associates. Social meetings are periods of penance to them, and any appearance in public will unnerve them. They go much about alone, and blush when women speak to them. In truth, they are not as yet men, whatever the number may be of their years; and, as they are no longer boys, the world has found for them the ungraceful name of hobbledehoy (Whatever Quotes)
Whatever it is that makes a person charming, it needs to remain a mystery.. once the charmer is aware of a mannerism or characteristic that others find charming, it ceases to be a mannerism and becomes an affectation (Whatever Quotes)