Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience

Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience
Brian Tracy, a renowned motivational speaker and self-development author, is a firm believer in the power of the mind and the impact of our thoughts on our experiences. One of his most famous quotes is, “Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience.” This statement encapsulates the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have a direct influence on the outcomes we experience in life.Tracy emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our thoughts and focusing on positive, empowering beliefs. He argues that when we consistently think about our goals, dreams, and aspirations, we are more likely to achieve them. Conversely, if we dwell on negative thoughts, fears, and doubts, we are likely to attract more of the same into our lives.
This concept is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like. In other words, the energy we put out into the universe through our thoughts and beliefs will be reflected back to us in our experiences. If we focus on abundance, success, and happiness, we are more likely to attract those things into our lives. On the other hand, if we dwell on lack, failure, and unhappiness, we will continue to experience more of the same.
Tracy encourages individuals to take control of their thoughts and consciously choose to focus on positive, empowering beliefs. By doing so, we can reprogram our minds to attract the outcomes we desire. This requires consistent effort and practice, as our habitual thought patterns can be deeply ingrained. However, with dedication and perseverance, we can train our minds to think in ways that support our goals and aspirations.