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When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints

When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints Picture Quote #1

When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints

Samuel Johnson, the renowned English writer and critic, was a man of great wisdom and insight. His words have stood the test of time and continue to inspire and guide people to this day. One of his most famous quotes is, “When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints.”

This quote speaks to the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and not allowing negative emotions to dictate our actions. Johnson understood that everyone experiences moments of sadness or frustration, but he believed that it was important to deal with these emotions in a constructive manner rather than wallowing in self-pity.
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Samuel Johnson Quotes