When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, action, action, action

When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, action, action, action
In the context of Plutarch, the statement by Demosthenes that the three most important aspects of oratory are "action, action, action" holds significant meaning. Plutarch, a Greek biographer and essayist, was known for his works on the lives of famous figures from antiquity, including Demosthenes. In his writings, Plutarch often emphasized the importance of action and practicality in achieving success and excellence in various aspects of life.Demosthenes, a renowned Athenian statesman and orator, was known for his powerful speeches and persuasive rhetoric. He believed that the key to effective oratory lay not only in the words spoken, but also in the actions taken to support those words. In other words, mere eloquence was not enough to sway an audience; one had to back up their words with tangible actions in order to truly make an impact.
Plutarch likely appreciated Demosthenes' emphasis on action in oratory, as it aligned with his own beliefs about the importance of virtue and practical wisdom. In his famous work "Parallel Lives," Plutarch compared the lives of famous Greeks and Romans in order to draw moral lessons and insights for his readers. Through his biographies, Plutarch highlighted the importance of virtuous actions and practical wisdom in achieving success and living a fulfilling life.
For Plutarch, oratory was not just about the art of persuasion through words, but also about the ability to inspire and motivate others through one's actions. A truly effective orator, in his view, was someone who not only spoke convincingly, but also demonstrated their commitment to their words through their deeds. By emphasizing the importance of action in oratory, Demosthenes and Plutarch both underscored the idea that words alone were not enough to bring about real change; one had to follow through with concrete actions in order to make a lasting impact.