When God's hand is on thy back, let thy hand be on thy mouth, for though the affliction be sharp it shall be but short

When God's hand is on thy back, let thy hand be on thy mouth, for though the affliction be sharp it shall be but short
Thomas Brooks was a Puritan preacher and writer known for his profound insights into the Christian faith. One of his most famous quotes is, “When God's hand is on thy back, let thy hand be on thy mouth, for though the affliction be sharp it shall be but short.” This quote encapsulates Brooks' belief in the sovereignty of God and the importance of trusting in His plan, even in the midst of suffering.Brooks understood that life is filled with trials and tribulations, but he also believed that God is in control of all things. When faced with adversity, Brooks encouraged his followers to remain silent and trust in God's wisdom and providence. By placing their hand over their mouth, they were symbolically surrendering their will to God and acknowledging His authority over their lives.
The phrase “God's hand is on thy back” suggests that God is guiding and directing our paths, even in times of difficulty. Brooks believed that God uses afflictions to refine and strengthen our faith, and that these trials are ultimately for our good. By remaining silent and allowing God to work in our lives, we can experience His grace and mercy in the midst of our suffering.
Brooks also reminds us that while afflictions may be sharp, they are only temporary. In the grand scheme of eternity, our trials are but a fleeting moment. By enduring suffering with patience and faith, we can experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing that God is with us every step of the way.