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When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there

When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there Picture Quote #1

When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there

Tim Tebow is a name that is synonymous with leaving a positive impression wherever he goes. The former NFL quarterback turned professional baseball player has always been known for his strong work ethic, positive attitude, and unwavering faith. When it comes to meeting people, Tebow has a reputation for making a lasting impact and leaving a better impression than when he arrived.

One of the key reasons why Tebow is able to leave such a positive impression on people is because of his genuine and authentic nature. He is known for being kind, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether he is interacting with fans, teammates, or members of the community, Tebow always takes the time to listen, offer words of encouragement, and make a meaningful connection with those he meets.
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Tim Tebow Quotes