When i see you i miss you. But then i remember what you did and i hate you

When i see you i miss you. But then i remember what you did and i hate you
When I see you, I miss you. The memories flood back, the laughter we shared, the moments of joy and connection. I remember the way your eyes sparkled when you looked at me, the way your smile could light up a room. I miss the way we used to be, the closeness we once shared.But then I remember what you did. The betrayal, the lies, the hurt you caused. The trust that was shattered, the bond that was broken. I remember the pain that you inflicted on me, the way you tore my heart apart. I remember the sleepless nights, the tears that I cried, the emptiness that consumed me.
And in that moment, the love and longing I once felt for you turns to hate. I hate you for what you did to me, for the way you treated me. I hate you for the lies you told, the promises you broke. I hate you for the way you made me doubt myself, for the way you made me question everything.
I hate you for making me miss you, for making me long for the connection we once had. I hate you for the way you still linger in my thoughts, for the way I can't seem to shake you from my mind. I hate you for the power you still hold over me, for the way you still have the ability to hurt me.
But despite the hate, despite the pain, I can't help but miss you. I miss the person you used to be, the person I thought you were. I miss the love we shared, the bond we had. And even though I hate you for what you did, a part of me still longs for the connection we once had.