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Dear tampon commercial, When I'm on my period, I don't wear a white bikini or do a backflip. Sincerely, Real Women  (When Quotes) When someone leaves you, it's not the end of your story, it's just the end of their part in your story  (When Quotes) Paris is a hard place to leave, even when it rains incessantly and one coughs continually from the dampness  (When Quotes) The sun was like a great visiting presence that stimulated and took its due from all animal energy. When it flung wide its cloak and stepped down over the edge of the fields at evening, it left behind it a spent and exhausted world  (When Quotes) When kindness has left people, even for a few moments, we become afraid of them as if their reason had left them. When it has left a place where we have always found it, it is like shipwreck; we drop from security into something malevolent and bottomless  (When Quotes) When we look back, the only things we cherish are those which in some way met our original want; the desire which formed in us in early youth, undirected, and of its own accord  (When Quotes) Men are all right for friends, but as soon as you marry them they turn into cranky old fathers, even the wild ones. They begin to tell you what's sensible and what's foolish, and want you to stick at home all the time. I prefer to be foolish when I feel like it, and be accountable to nobody  (When Quotes) Fain would I, but I dare not; I dare, and yet I may not; I may, although I care not, for pleasure when I play not  (When Quotes) Remember, that if thou marry for beauty, thou bindest thyself all thy life for that which perchance will neither last nor please thee one year; and when thou hast it, it will be to thee of no price at all; for the desire dieth when it is attained, and the affection perisheth when it is satisfied  (When Quotes) I wish I loved the Human Race; I wish I loved its silly face; I wish I liked the way it walks; I wish I liked the way it talks; And when I'm introduced to one I wish I thought what Jolly Fun!  (When Quotes) Use your youth so that you may have comfort to remember it when it has forsaken you, and not sigh and grieve at the account thereof  (When Quotes) It is plain there is not in nature a point of stability to be found; everything either ascends or declines; when wars are ended abroad, sedition begins at home; and when men are freed from fighting for necessity, they quarrel through ambition  (When Quotes) The difference between a rich man and a poor man is this: the former eats when he pleases, and the latter when he can get it  (When Quotes) The gain of lying is nothing else but not to be trusted of any, nor to be believed when we speak the truth  (When Quotes) When men think and believe in one set of symbols and act in ways which are contrary to their professed and conscious ideas, confusion and insincerity are bound to result  (When Quotes) Money... buys privacy, silence. The less money you have, the noisier it is; the thinner your walls, the closer your neighbors... The first thing you notice when you step into the house or apartment of a rich person is how quiet it is  (When Quotes) When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit  (When Quotes) The end justifies the means only when the means used are such as actually bring about the desired and desirable end  (When Quotes) When God loves a creature he wants the creature to know the highest happiness and the deepest misery He wants him to know all that being alive can bring. That is his best gift. There is no happiness save in understanding the whole  (When Quotes) When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home  (When Quotes) But there comes a moment in everybody's life when he must decide whether he'll live among the human beings or not a fool among fools or a fool alone  (When Quotes) Man is defined as a human being and a woman as a female whenever she behaves as a human being she is said to imitate the male  (When Quotes) Why one man rather than another? it was odd. you find yourself involved with a fellow for life just because he was the one that you met when you were nineteen  (When Quotes) The misfortune which befalls man from his once having been a child is that his liberty was at first concealed from him, and all his life he will retain the nostalgia for a time when he was ignorant of its exigencies  (When Quotes) That is what chills your spine when you read an account of a suicide: not the frail corpse hanging from the window bars but what happened inside that heart immediately before  (When Quotes) On the day when it will be possible for woman to love not in her weakness but in strength, not to escape herself but to find herself, not to abase herself but to assert herself on that day love will become for her, as for man, a source of life  (When Quotes) When one has love for God, one doesn't feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them  (When Quotes) When the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low  (When Quotes) nowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity. So long as God seems to be outside and far away, there is ignorance. But when God is realized within, that is true knowledge  (When Quotes) When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom  (When Quotes)
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