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There used to be a time when this country's president could have delivered the same new year's address he had given a year before, and nobody would have noticed. Fortunately, that time has passed  (When Quotes) A human action becomes genuinely important when it springs from the soil of a clearsighted awareness of the temporality and the ephemerality of everything human  (When Quotes) When at eve, at the bounding of the landscape, the heavens appear to recline so slowly on the Earth, imagination pictures beyond the horizon an asylum of hope - a native land of love; and nature seems silently to repeat that man is immortal  (When Quotes) Conscience is doubtless sufficient to conduct the coldest character into the road of virtue; but enthusiasm is to conscience what honor is to duty; there is in us a superfluity of soul, which it is sweet to consecrate to the beautiful when the good has been accomplished  (When Quotes) I just want to say this. I want to say it gently but I want to say it firmly: there is a tendency for the world to say to America, the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out, and then to worry when America wants to sort them out  (When Quotes) Love is enough: while ye deemed him a-sleeping, there were signs of his coming and sounds of his feet; his touch it was that would bring you to weeping, when the summer was deepest and music most sweet  (When Quotes) I don't like it, to be honest, when politicians make a big thing of their religious beliefs, so I don't make a big thing of it  (When Quotes) What amazes me is how many people are happy for Saddam to stay. They ask why we don't get rid of Mugabe, why not the Burmese lot. Yes, let's get rid of them all. I don't because I can't, but when you can you should  (When Quotes) It never frightened a puritan when you bade him stand still and listen to the speech of God. His closet and his church were full of the reverberations of the awful, gracious, beautiful voice for which he listened  (When Quotes) I gave up on new poetry myself thirty years ago, when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens on a hostile world  (When Quotes) When women oppose themselves to the projects and ambition of men, they excite their lively resentment; if in their youth they meddle with political intrigues, their modesty must suffer  (When Quotes) Dreadful will be the day when the world becomes contented, when one great universal satisfaction spreads itself over the world. Sad will be the day for every man when he becomes absolutely contented with the life that he is living, with the thoughts that he is thinking, with the deeds that he is doing, when there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger which he knows that he was meant and made to do because he is a child of God  (When Quotes) When the body is assailed by the strong force of time and the limbs weaken from exhausted force, genius breaks down, and mind and speech fail  (When Quotes) Hope is our life when first our life grows clear, hope and delight, scarce crossed by lines of fear: yet the day comes when fain we would not hope - but for as much as we with life must cope, struggling with this and that - and who knows why? Hope will not give us up to certainty, but still must bide with us  (When Quotes) Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with it  (When Quotes) Truth! Why shall every wretch of letters dare to speak truth against his betters! Let ragged virtue stand aloof, nor mutter accents of reproof; let ragged wit a mute become, when wealth and power would have her dumb  (When Quotes) When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous  (When Quotes) When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way  (When Quotes) When the possessions and households of citizens are no longer honored by the acts, as well as the principles, of their government, then the concentration camp ceases to be one of the possibilities of human nature and becomes one of its likelihoods  (When Quotes) She is dressed to feel dangerous, perfumed to exude suggestions of nights in Babylon, and painted to drive men insane. How can she possibly avoid facing up to the terrible chasm between dream and reality when, in this musky state of mind, she must sit at a formica bar and squeeze mustard out of a plastic bottle?  (When Quotes) The worst thing about the miracle of modern communications is the Pavlovian pressure it places upon everyone to communicate whenever a bell rings  (When Quotes) People seem to enjoy things more when they know that a lot of other people have been left out on the pleasure  (When Quotes) There are more American Indians alive today than there were when Columbus arrived or at any other time in history. Does this sound like a record of genocide?  (When Quotes) There are more acres of forest land in America today than when Columbus discovered the continent in 1492  (When Quotes) A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special  (When Quotes) The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing - where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger; which he knows he was meant and made to do  (When Quotes) When I cannot stand alone, it will be time to die, he mumbled, through mashed lips. But I'd like a flagon of wine  (When Quotes) There is a curious law of art...That even the attempt to reproduce the act of seeing, when carried out with sufficient energy, tends to lose its realism and take on the unnatural glittering intensity of hallucination  (When Quotes) We cannot hope to be secure when our government has declared, by its readiness to act alone, its willingness to be everybody's enemy  (When Quotes) Ask the world to reveal its quietude - not the silence of machines when they are still, but the true quiet by which birdsongs, trees, bellworts, snails, clouds, storms become what they are, and are nothing else  (When Quotes)
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