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Like it or not, to reach middle age with less money or less prestige than our father had is somewhat to lose face. Stupid of course, when put like that, but who is prepared to argue that we are not stupid in several important ways?  (When Quotes) Reason, or the ratio of all we have already known, is not the same that it shall be when we know more  (When Quotes) When John Ryder, for instance, writes I utter valediction to the author of my being, he means simply that he said goodbye to his mother  (When Quotes) When elderly invalids meet with fellow-victims of their own ailments, then at last real conversation begins, and life is delicious  (When Quotes) I suppose everybody has these softheaded spells, when they think it would be fun to live in a small town. They pass quickly, of course  (When Quotes) When I tell any truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it but for the sake of defending those who do  (When Quotes) The life of man is a struggle with nature and a struggle with the machine; when nature and the machine link forces against him, man hasn't a chance  (When Quotes) Like a fiend in a cloud, with howling woe, after night I do crowd, and with night will go; I turn my back to the east, from whence comforts have increased; for light doth seize my brain with frantic pain  (When Quotes) For them, in a time when the individual has lost significance (despite loud assertions to the contrary), an informed, rational, and intellectually adventurous individuality must take precedence over all else. In their seeming disunion lies their real strength  (When Quotes) Sometimes for us in Canada it seems as though the United States and the United Kingdom were cup and saucer, and Canada the spoon, for we are in and out of both with the greatest freedom, and we are given most recognition when we are most a nuisance  (When Quotes) When my mother died I was very young, and my father sold me while yet my tongue could scarcely cry 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!'weep! So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot i sleep  (When Quotes) Not all readers are prepared, at all times, to make independent judgments. But the failure of modern education to equip them to do so even when they have the inclination creates a serious gap in modern culture  (When Quotes) Nobody can find fault with legitimate ambition, but when the wealth of the spiritual and intellectual life is reduced to a formula for overcoming sales resistance, we protest  (When Quotes) When the voices of children are heard on the green and laughing is heard on the hill, My heart is at rest within my breast and everything else is still  (When Quotes) The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of angels and god, and at liberty when of devils and hell, is because he was a true poet and of the devil's party without knowing it  (When Quotes) The family only represents one aspect, however important an aspect, of a human being's functions and activities... A life is beautiful and ideal, or the reverse, only when we have taken into our consideration the social as well as the family relationship  (When Quotes) When a man has become a great figure in society as a physician, we must not be surprised if he regards the laws of society as the laws of nature - but we need not respect him for it  (When Quotes) There are great numbers of people to whom the act of reading a book - any sort of book - is wondrous; they speak of the reader in the tone of warm approbation which they use otherwise when referring to pregnant women, or the newly dead  (When Quotes) When I am right, I get angry. Churchill gets angry when he is wrong. So we were often angry at each other  (When Quotes) The day has long passed when a university degree was a guarantee of experience in the humanities, or of literacy beyond its barest meaning of being able, after a fashion, to read and write  (When Quotes) Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first  (When Quotes) When the stars threw down their spears, and watered heaven with their tears, did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee?  (When Quotes) When I am right, I get angry. Churchill gets angry when he is wrong. We are angry at each other much of the time  (When Quotes) History does not teach fatalism. There are moments when the will of a handful of free men breaks through determinism and opens up new roads. People get the history they deserve  (When Quotes) His face was tense with pain. But then, who notices when they meet a theatre critic whose face is tense with pain? It is one of the marks of the profession  (When Quotes) When irony first makes itself known in a young man's life, it can be like his first experience of getting drunk; he has met with a powerful thing which he does not know how to handle  (When Quotes) I have found it advisable not to give too much heed to what people say when I am trying to accomplish something of consequence. Invariably they proclaim it can't be done. I deem that the very best time to make the effort  (When Quotes) This life's dim windows of the soul distorts the heavens from pole to pole and leads you to believe a lie when you see with, not through, the eye  (When Quotes) They live and laugh who know the better part - count length of pleasure not by dial or glass but by the heart; what are our fears when time's slow footfall, fall, fall falling turns lovers' hours to years?  (When Quotes) I do not really like vacations. I much prefer an occasional day off when I do not feel like working. When I am confronted with a whole week in which I have nothing to do but enjoy myself I do not know where to begin. To me, enjoyment comes fleetingly and unheralded; I cannot determinedly enjoy myself for a whole week at a time  (When Quotes)
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