When Quotes

Text Quotes
When he was in great prosperity, and courted by many, seeing himself splendidly served at his table, he turned to his children and said: Children, we had been undone, if we had not been undone (When Quotes)
When we have our body and mind in order, everything else will exist in the right place, in the right way (When Quotes)
When God created the universe, it was with the objective of making those He created partakers of His perfection and blessedness, thus showing forth the glory of His love and wisdom and power (When Quotes)
Being filled with the Spirit is simply this - having my whole nature yielded to His power. When the whole soul is yielded to the Holy Spirit, God Himself will fill it (When Quotes)
And weave fine cobwebs, fit for skull that's empty when the moon is full; such as take lodgings in a head that's to be let unfurnished (When Quotes)
How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure but it is news when the stock market loses two points? (When Quotes)
When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, action, action, action (When Quotes)
I loved no king since forty one when prelacy went down, a cloak and band I then put on, and preached against the crown (When Quotes)
When someone thinks, I liked his last book, I'll hope this new one is good and shells out their hard - earned, I fervently want that person to be thrilled (When Quotes)
Corporations! It's like there are these gigantic monsters living among us, and we don't mind that they're monsters because when we look at them they smile and hand us cheeseburgers. That's nuts (When Quotes)
Cato the elder, when somebody was praising a man for his foolhardy bravery, said that there was an essential difference between a really brave man and one who had merely a contempt for life (When Quotes)
The tear, down childhood's cheek that flows Is like the dewdrop on the rose; when next the summer breeze comes by and waves the bush, the flower is dry (When Quotes)
And when the fight becomes a chase, those win the day that win the race; and that which would not pass in fights, has done the feat with easy flights (When Quotes)
Socrates thought that if all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence every one must take an equal portion, most persons would be contented to take their own and depart (When Quotes)
When one is transported by rage, it is best to observe attentively the effects on those who deliver themselves over to the same passion (When Quotes)
Demosthenes, when taunted by Pytheas that all his arguments smelled of the lamp, replied, yes, but your lamp and mine, my friend, do not witness the same labours (When Quotes)
And my father! Oh, my father! Evil is it with his daughter, when his grey hairs are not remembered because of the golden locks of youth! (When Quotes)
He that would win his dame must do As love does when he draws his bow; with one hand thrust the lady from, and with the other pull her home (When Quotes)
I met a librian recently who said she doesn't read because books are her job and when she goes home, she wanats to switch it off. I think we can agree that that's creepy as hell (When Quotes)
Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon. When we love a woman we don't start measuring her limbs (When Quotes)
When people make certain statements and their acts conform to those statements I tend to take them at their word (When Quotes)
When I die, it will be a shipwreck, and as when a huge ship sinks, many people all around will be sucked down with it (When Quotes)
You mustn't always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer (When Quotes)
As far as I am concerned, a painting speaks for itself. What is the use of giving explanations, when all is said and done? A painter has only one language (When Quotes)
Coffee on an airplane always smells bad. Whenever it is served, suddenly the whole cabin stinks of it (When Quotes)
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip (When Quotes)
When art critics get together they talk about form and structure and meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine (When Quotes)
When you come right down to it all you have is yourself. The sun is a thousand rays in your belly. All the rest is nothing (When Quotes)
Animals are on earth to protect mankind. When you gather a bunch of them together like this, you create a safe haven. Nothing can touch you here (When Quotes)
Neither refuse to give help when it is needed, medwyn continued, nor refuse to accept it when it is offered (When Quotes)