When there is a strong woman character in a story - that always grabs me

When there is a strong woman character in a story - that always grabs me
Ang Lee is a renowned filmmaker known for his ability to create complex and compelling characters in his films. One of the recurring themes in his work is the presence of strong female characters who drive the narrative forward and captivate audiences with their strength and resilience. Lee's films often feature women who defy traditional gender roles and expectations, challenging societal norms and breaking barriers in the process.One of the reasons why strong female characters in a story always grab me when it comes to Ang Lee's work is because of the depth and complexity he brings to these characters. Lee has a unique ability to portray women in a way that is both empowering and relatable, showcasing their vulnerabilities and flaws alongside their strengths and courage. This nuanced approach to character development allows audiences to connect with these women on a deeper level, making their stories all the more compelling and impactful.