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Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew

Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew Picture Quote #1

Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew

Doris Lessing, a prolific and influential writer, was known for her insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Throughout her life, she sought out individuals who could offer her new insights and perspectives, and she was not afraid to ask probing questions in order to learn more. Lessing's quote, "Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew," encapsulates her relentless pursuit of knowledge and her willingness to engage with others in order to expand her understanding of the world.

Lessing's approach to learning was characterized by a deep sense of intellectual curiosity and a desire to constantly challenge herself. She was not content to simply accept the status quo or rely on her own preconceived notions; instead, she actively sought out new information and perspectives in order to broaden her horizons. This willingness to engage with others and learn from their experiences was a key aspect of Lessing's intellectual development and played a crucial role in shaping her worldview.
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Doris Lessing Quotes