Where good and ill together blent, Wage an undying strife

Where good and ill together blent, Wage an undying strife
John Henry Newman, a prominent figure in the 19th century religious landscape, was a man who grappled with the complexities of human nature and the eternal struggle between good and evil. In his writings and teachings, Newman often explored the idea that within each individual, there exists a constant battle between the forces of good and ill. This internal conflict, he believed, was a fundamental aspect of the human condition and one that could never truly be resolved.Newman's famous quote, "Where good and ill together blent, Wage an undying strife," encapsulates this idea perfectly. He understood that the human soul is a battleground where virtue and vice are constantly at war with one another. This struggle, he believed, was not just a personal one, but a universal one that all individuals must face in their journey towards spiritual enlightenment.
For Newman, the key to overcoming this eternal strife lay in the cultivation of virtue and the rejection of vice. He believed that by striving to do good and resisting the temptations of evil, individuals could find inner peace and harmony. However, he also recognized that this was no easy task and that the battle between good and ill would continue to rage on within each person for their entire lives.