Whereas Quotes

Text Quotes
The wisest were just the poor and simple people. They knew the war to be a misfortune, whereas those who were better off, and should have been able to see more clearly what the consequences would be, were beside themselves with joy (Whereas Quotes)
I wonder why it is that when I plan a route too carefully, it goes to pieces, whereas if I blunder along in blissful ignorance aimed in a fancied direction I get through with no trouble (Whereas Quotes)
I have friends who I get along with who I know get very uncomfortable being alone, unless they’re with people, talking all the time. Whether it’s on the phone, or in person, they’re never by themselves. Whereas I could be alone for months (Whereas Quotes)
Forgiveness is the giving and so the receiving of life. the latter may be an impulse of a moment of heat; whereas the former is a cold and deliberate choice of the heart (Whereas Quotes)
Great and glorious events which dazzle the beholder are represented by politicians as the outcome of grand designs whereas they are usually products of temperaments and passions (Whereas Quotes)
Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one’s abilities, whereas adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them (Whereas Quotes)
Then also pretexts for seizing property are never wanting, and one who begins to live by rapine will always find some reason for taking the goods of others, whereas causes for taking life are rarer and more quickly destroyed (Whereas Quotes)
Most teachers waste their time by asking question which are intended to discover what a pupil does not know whereas the true art of questioning has for its purpose to discover what pupils knows or is capable of knowing (Whereas Quotes)
Neurosis is the result of a conflict between the ego and its id, whereas psychosis is the analogous outcome of a similar disturbance in the relation between the ego and the external world (Whereas Quotes)
Change is scientific; progress is ethical; change is indubitable, whereas progress is a matter of controversy (Whereas Quotes)
Whereas each man claims his freedom as a matter of right, the freedom he accords to other men is a matter of toleration (Whereas Quotes)
Brutes by their natural instinct have produced many discoveries, whereas men by discussion and the conclusions of reason have given birth to few or none (Whereas Quotes)
Vegetation is really controlling what happens... whereas the emphasis in the climate models has always been on the atmosphere (Whereas Quotes)
Whereas the insufficiency of a love neither sustained nor supreme cannot be ignored, the same should not be taken as cause to avoid one’s total spiritual contractual engagement to this world (Whereas Quotes)
Playing by the rules, one does the best he can, irrespective of the social consequences. Whereas in making the rules, people ought to be concerned with the social consequences and not with their personal interests (Whereas Quotes)
We think of prayer as a preparation for work, or a calm after having done work, whereas prayer is the essential work (Whereas Quotes)
Foolish, ignorant people indulge in careless lives, whereas a clever man guards his attention as his most precious possession (Whereas Quotes)
Please keep in mind the distinction between healing and treatment: treatment originates from outside, whereas healing comes from within (Whereas Quotes)
The man who only loves beautiful things is dreaming, whereas the man who knows absolute beauty is wide awake (Whereas Quotes)
When management owns stock, then rewarding the shareholders becomes a first priority, whereas when management simply collects a paycheck, then increasing salaries becomes a first priority (Whereas Quotes)
To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, whereas true love has no wanting in it, no desire to possess or for your partner to change (Whereas Quotes)
Girls are taught to view their bodies as unending projects to work on, whereas boys from a young age, are taught to view their bodies as tools to master their environment (Whereas Quotes)
People assume that science is a very cold sort of profession, whereas writing novels is a warm and fuzzy intuitive thing. But in fact, they are not at all different (Whereas Quotes)
Problems are not solved on the level of problems. Analyzing a problem to find its solution is like trying to restore freshness to a leaf by treating the leaf itself, whereas the solution lies in watering the root (Whereas Quotes)
You should tell her how nice her outfit is because her outfit is her choice whereas her face isn’t (Whereas Quotes)
Music to me is so internal. It’s physical and it’s emotional. Whereas fashion is so much about the external that it’s almost like a break. It’s not inner turmoil. It’s total escapism (Whereas Quotes)
I admire the assurance and confidence everyone has in himself, whereas there is hardly anything I am sure I know or that I dare give my word I can do (Whereas Quotes)
A myth is far truer than a history, for a history only gives a story of the shadows, whereas a myth gives a story of the substances that cast the shadows (Whereas Quotes)
My personal opinion is that you can’t be racist towards white people. You can be prejudiced about them, but being prejudiced isn’t an illegal act, whereas being racist can be (Whereas Quotes)
Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today’s standards (Whereas Quotes)