Whereas Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the essential differences between the liberal and conservative worldview is that the liberals believe in rationality, whereas conservative believe that human events are ordered by forces that are beyond the ability of our rational mind to understand or control (Whereas Quotes)
One ought to avoid all unnecessary worry and exciting thoughts, and to cultivate a firm tranquility of mind. Melancholy reflections will in no way influence fate, whereas one may weaken the constitution by the waste of energy while indulging in them (Whereas Quotes)
Coaches should realize that the only way to conquer drudgery is by getting through it as efficiently as they can. A dull job slackly done becomes twice as dull, whereas a dull job performed as efficiently as possible becomes half as dull. Effort appears to be the main art of living (Whereas Quotes)
In diplomacy, as in life itself, one often learns more from failures than from successes. Triumphs will seem, in retrospect, to be foreordained, a series of brilliant actions and decisions that may in fact have been lucky or inadvertent, whereas failures illuminate paths and pitfalls to be avoided (Whereas Quotes)
I’m interested in what happens to music when other people use it. Whereas there are composers who don’t like anyone to touch their music, I think people should because they do things I can’t think of (Whereas Quotes)
I can definitely tell when mum has got money because then she likes to go shopping to spend it, whereas dad is steadier and avoids splurges. I like to think I’ve inherited both sides (Whereas Quotes)
There is a fine line between free speech and hate speech. Free speech encourages debate whereas hate speech incites violence (Whereas Quotes)
If you have your own agenda and your own style and you don’t easily conform to what the masses are doing, you’re looked upon as being difficult. Whereas, I think of it as just being an individual (Whereas Quotes)
I never really enjoyed getting a portfolio together then sending it out; whereas, putting up the website is quite an enjoyable experience. The net’s just a much faster and more modern way to distribute things, and you have to embrace it (Whereas Quotes)
Riches and power are but gifts of blind fate, whereas goodness is the result of one’s own merits (Whereas Quotes)
Whereas the melancholic exhibits a state of general inhibition, in the manic patient even normal inhibitions of the instincts are partly or wholly abolished (Whereas Quotes)
Like most men, my father is interested in action. And this is why he disappoints my mother when she tells him she doesn’t feel well and he offers to take her to the doctor. He is focused on what he can do, whereas she wants sympathy (Whereas Quotes)
In science, a healthy skepticism is a professional necessity, whereas in religion, having belief without evidence is regarded as a virtue (Whereas Quotes)
Whereas all humans have approximately the same life expectancy the life expectancy of stars varies as much as from that of a butterfly to that of an elephant (Whereas Quotes)
Science really creates wealth and opportunity which did not exist before. Whereas the old order was based on competition, the new order of science makes possible, for the first time, a cooperative creative effort in which every one is the gainer and no one the loser (Whereas Quotes)
With fiction, you can talk about plot, character and narrative, whereas a poem brings home the fact that everything that happens in a work of literature happens in terms of language. And this is daunting stuff to deal with (Whereas Quotes)
There is a way that a younger person can accept the inevitable problem that they’re going to die, whereas somebody a little bit older might be overcome (Whereas Quotes)
It’s a writer’s or director’s role to be cerebral, whereas for an actor it should be a visceral, gut thing. When the action starts, it’s best to turn the brain off and let it become an instinctual thing (Whereas Quotes)
One of the biggest things I used to struggle with was about things like going on holiday. Whereas all your friends can talk about something and plan something all year long, I know that I’m probably going to be away and I’m going to miss all of it. If a job comes up, you just can’t be there (Whereas Quotes)
In theater and dance, I was trying to win someone’s approval, trying to get in, trying to be good. It felt out of my control, whereas music suddenly felt like this free expression. It was fun (Whereas Quotes)
Cinema gives you the opportunity to be both a grandparent and a grandchild whereas in life you cannot be both at the same time (Whereas Quotes)
Making a film or doing a play are completely different experiences and entirely fulfilling, but completely unique. I also think one complements the other. People often say that theater is about flexing your muscles, and is actually real acting, whereas I sort of disagree (Whereas Quotes)
I definitely think that females have a harder time. It’s a lot harder to be a girl because you’re always in your head. I’ve heard my brother go and take it out on the football as he says. Whereas girls would rather sit down and over think things (Whereas Quotes)
The trap of the self is the trap that causes unhappiness. We define ourselves too much; whereas the infinite, the pure radiant spirit, is not so definable (Whereas Quotes)
It’s easy in a novel to be completely unambiguous about the relationship between animal and daemon simply by stating it outright; whereas you get very few opportunities to do this in an elegant way in a film (Whereas Quotes)
Authority that is not confirmed by true reason seems weak. Whereas true reason does not need to be confirmed by any authority (Whereas Quotes)
Whereas formerly, before the advent of machinery, the commonest article you could pick up had a life and warmth which gave it individual interest, now everything is turned out to such a perfection of deadness that one is driven to pick up and collect, in sheer desperation, the commonest rubbish still surviving from the earlier periods (Whereas Quotes)
The discovery which has been pointed to by theory is always one of profound interest and importance, but it is usually the close and crown of a long and fruitful period, whereas the discovery which comes as a puzzle and surprise usually marks a fresh epoch and opens a new chapter in science (Whereas Quotes)
On a feeling and sensitive mind a demolished forest impresses unmingled sadness, whereas its primeval grandeur must inspire anyone to immeasurable delight, who is susceptible to the beauties of nature (Whereas Quotes)
The scientist has to take 95 per cent of his subject on trust. He has to because he can’t possibly do all the experiments, therefore he has to take on trust the experiments all his colleagues and predecessors have done. Whereas a mathematician doesn’t have to take anything on trust. Any theorem that’s proved, he doesn’t believe it, really, until he goes through the proof himself, and therefore he knows his whole subject from scratch. He’s absolutely 100 per cent certain of it. And that gives him an extraordinary conviction of certainty, and an arrogance that scientists don’t have (Whereas Quotes)