Wherefrom Quotes

Text Quotes
Everything that happens is supposed to be and it's all pre-determined, can't change your destiny guess I'll just keep moving, someday maybe I'll get to where I'm going (Wherefrom Quotes)
I guess the best that I can do now is to pretend that I've done nothing wrong and to dream about a train that's gonna take me back where I belong (Wherefrom Quotes)
I want to be the surgeon who cuts you open who fixes all of life's mistakes I want to be the house that you were raised in the only place where you feel safe (Wherefrom Quotes)
Americans like to make money; Canadians like to audit it. I know no other country where accountants have a higher social and moral status (Wherefrom Quotes)
Be always displeased at what thou art, if thou desire to attain to what thou art not; for where thou hast pleased thyself, there thou abidest (Wherefrom Quotes)
Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God's new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet (Wherefrom Quotes)
Thy pride is but the prologue of thy shame; where vain glory commands, there folly counsels; where pride rides, there shame lackeys (Wherefrom Quotes)
Goe to my love where she is carelesse layd yet in her winter's bowere not well awake; tell her the joyous time will not be staid unlesse she doe him by the forelock take (Wherefrom Quotes)
Traditions tell us where we have come from. Scripture itself is a better guide as to where we should now be going (Wherefrom Quotes)
To open the Bible is to open a window toward Jerusalem, as Daniel did (6:10), no matter where our exile may have taken us (Wherefrom Quotes)
Let's take a drive into the middle of nowhere with a packet of Marlboro lights and talk about our lives (Wherefrom Quotes)
O soldier and hero of God, where for thee is sorrow or shame or suffering? For thy life is a glory, thy deeds a consecration, victory thy apotheosis, defeat thy triumph (Wherefrom Quotes)
Something did happen to me somewhere that robbed me of confidence and courage and left me with a fear of discovery and change and a positive dread of everything unknown that may occur (Wherefrom Quotes)
Even when one has climbed up into those levels of bliss where pain vanishes, it still survives disguised as intolerable ecstasy (Wherefrom Quotes)
There are yawning gulfs into which large chunks of me have fallen. I do not always know where I am at present (Wherefrom Quotes)
That darksome cave they enter, where they find that cursed man, low sitting on the ground, musing full sadly in his sullein mind (Wherefrom Quotes)
I cannot absorb living in a world where I have an Oscar for best actress and Denzel doesn't have one for best actor (Wherefrom Quotes)
We know we're coming full circle with God when we stand at a very similar crossroad where we made such a mess of life before, but this time we take a different road (Wherefrom Quotes)
You have city centre pubs where men go to meet girls, not realising that all girls in city centre pubs have thighs like tug boats and morals that would surprise a zoo animal (Wherefrom Quotes)
If we build three million new houses by 2020, where will we grow all the stuff needed to feed the people who live in them? (Wherefrom Quotes)
Nutrition science is where surgery was in about 1650, you know, really interesting and promising, but would you want to have them operate on you yet? I don't think so (Wherefrom Quotes)
I've always been somewhere down from the top, so I've never had to suffer being knocked off the top (Wherefrom Quotes)
Ignore what a man desires and you ignore the very source of his power; run against the grain of a nation's genius and see where you get with your laws (Wherefrom Quotes)
I started playing golf when I was a kid, because across the street from where we lived there was a little nine-hole golf course where my father worked (Wherefrom Quotes)
I think there comes a point where you have to grow up and get over yourself, lighten up... And forgive (Wherefrom Quotes)
Always remember where we come from, how we got here, and who led us into the warmth of the sunshine (Wherefrom Quotes)
It's amazing where a joke might come from. I find a lot of humour just by metaphorically turning things upside down or literally like my wife's cat (Wherefrom Quotes)
Everyone needs a place where they can go to just ponder for a while. Silence is important; it's the only time you can hear the whispering of truth (Wherefrom Quotes)
I don't know where [Obama is from] I don't think he's from where they issue birth certificates – I think he's from Hell (Wherefrom Quotes)
If you are ever inclined to pray for a missionary, do it at once, where ever you are. Perhaps he may be in great peril at that moment (Wherefrom Quotes)