Wherefrom Quotes

Text Quotes
As more and more people awaken to the threats against our basic rights online, we must start a debate - everywhere - about the web we want (Wherefrom Quotes)
Each man has a breaking point, no matter how strong his spirit. Somewhere, deep inside him, there is a flaw that only the fickle cruelty of fate can find (Wherefrom Quotes)
It would be a fine thing if war could be conducted as a game where no lives were lost. At the end of a battle combatants could meet and drink and talk (Wherefrom Quotes)
True education is limited to those people who would die without knowing, whereas the masses in the institutions are merely going through the motions, for education is a way of living (Wherefrom Quotes)
True freedom is where an individual’s thoughts and actions are in alignment with that which is true, correct, and of honor - no matter the personal price (Wherefrom Quotes)
Hollywood is a place where some people lie on the beach and look up at the stars, whereas other people lie on the stars and look down at the beach (Wherefrom Quotes)
There are few surer ways to become disliked by men than to perform well where they have performed poorly (Wherefrom Quotes)
People often say that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves (Wherefrom Quotes)
He fought a thousand glorious wars, and more than half the world was his, and somewhere, now, in yonder stars, can tell, mayhap, what greatness is (Wherefrom Quotes)
The feeling of being ‘offended’ is a warning indicator that is showing you where to look within yourself for unresolved issues (Wherefrom Quotes)
We pass by common objects or persons without noticing them; but the keen eye detects and notes types everywhere and among all classes (Wherefrom Quotes)
I set it down as a maxim, that it is good for a man to live where he can meet his betters, intellectual and social (Wherefrom Quotes)
Worship, from the Latin word meaning “worth-ship”, is where we express God’s worth to us in our lives (Wherefrom Quotes)
It’s the gymnasium of life where you get the workout, the resistance, and you find out things about yourself that you didn’t know (Wherefrom Quotes)
I’m for people bettering themselves, no matter who they are and where they are, doing all they can to be all they can be (Wherefrom Quotes)
The produce of the vineyards has not failed everywhere, ovidius. The heavy rains have been productive. Coranus made up a hundred jars by means of the water (Wherefrom Quotes)
The most wonderful thing in the world is somebody who knows who they are and knows where they’re going and knows what they were created to do (Wherefrom Quotes)
I will probably hurt you again. And you’ll hurt me. And I’ll come right back to you again when you do. I accept the risk. Because you’re worth it. Because you matter to me. Because I love you. And I’m not going anywhere (Wherefrom Quotes)
No matter where you are in life right now, know this: God put you on this earth to fulfill the promise He has predestined for your life (Wherefrom Quotes)
It’s like I’m thirteen again and he’s my crush. All I’m aware of in this entire roomful of people is him. Where he is, what he’s doing, who he’s talking to (Wherefrom Quotes)
There are two kinds of houses in the neighborhood where I grew up - the ones where the parents stayed married, and the ones where they didn’t (Wherefrom Quotes)
What shall be done for sorrow With love whose race is run? Where help is none to borrow, what shall be done? (Wherefrom Quotes)
Love lies bleeding in the bed whereover roses lean with smiling mouths or pleading: Earth lies laughing where the sun’s dart clove her: love lies bleeding (Wherefrom Quotes)
Death, if thou wilt, fain would I plead with thee: canst thou not spare, of all our hopes have built, one shelter where our spirits fain would be death, if thou wilt? (Wherefrom Quotes)
No blast of air or fire of sun puts out the light whereby we run with girdled loins our lamplit race, and each from each takes heart of grace and spirit till his turn be done (Wherefrom Quotes)
But when you know that you’ve got a real friend somewhere, suddenly all the others are so much easier to bear (Wherefrom Quotes)
Somewhere between the time you arrive and the time you go may lie a reason you were alive, but you’ll never know (Wherefrom Quotes)
People look around you, the signs are everywhere. You’ve left it for somebody other than you to be the one who to care (Wherefrom Quotes)
If your life’s at a juncture and you need to think about things, there’s nowhere better than home. However old you are (Wherefrom Quotes)
Youth is still where you left it, and that’s where it should stay. Anything that was worth taking on life’s journey, you’ll already have taken with you (Wherefrom Quotes)