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I’ll make music, whether or not anyone is listening, for the rest of my life. It’s a natural form of expression for me, the same way I draw and write and sing  (Whether Quotes) The sun is the most important thing in everybody’s life, whether you’re a plant, an animal or a fish, and we take it for granted  (Whether Quotes) The most important thing for anyone, I think, is to be engaged, whether you’re an artist or a journalist is to be engaged in the process at some level  (Whether Quotes) I have always been of the mind that good work is good work, whether performed on stage, on television or in film and, like any reasonable actor, I keep my options open  (Whether Quotes) Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives  (Whether Quotes) There is a deep question whether the possible meanings that emerge from an effort to explain the experience of art may not mask the real meanings of a work of art  (Whether Quotes) As I had collaborated with visual artists before whether on installations, on performance pieces, in the context of theatre works and as I had taught for a time in art colleges the idea of writing music in response to painting was not alien  (Whether Quotes) I don’t worry whether the period is contemporary or three hundred years ago. Human beings are all alike  (Whether Quotes) I like working on stage because there’s something very immediate about it, that interaction with an audience where you immediately hear their reaction, or feel them, whether they’re with you  (Whether Quotes) Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you’re a director. Everything after that you’re just negotiating your budget and your fee  (Whether Quotes) I need to decide whether to apply for college or delay it for a couple of years while I pursue some more acting projects. Right now I’m trying to sort things out, so I can make the right choices  (Whether Quotes) People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins they wonder whether they are catching cold  (Whether Quotes) Whether it means having a show, or a movie, or just being on a stage, I need an avenue to say what I have to say  (Whether Quotes) It was a fair decision, the penalty, even though it was debatable whether it was inside or outside the box  (Whether Quotes) Journalists are supposed to be skeptical, that’s what keeps them digging rather than simply accepting the official line, whether it comes from government or corporate bureaucrats  (Whether Quotes) One of the techniques terrorists employ is to allege torture and mistreatment when they are captured, regardless of whether it is true  (Whether Quotes) I also believe that you are what you have to defend, and if you’re a black man that’s always going to be the bar against which you are judged, whether you want to align yourself with those themes or not. You can think of yourself as a colourless person, but nobody else is gonna  (Whether Quotes) I feel like I have at least begun to make a contribution, but my most significant concern has to do with whether my actual art will be preserved for future generations or be erased  (Whether Quotes) Some people have questioned whether or not I can play a nice guy. Sometimes you can’t win for losing  (Whether Quotes) The first issue to be settled is whether socialism has a right to exist. Are its allegations concerning the present system true? Is industry proceeding on a principle of fraud? I wish to test the power of recent economic theory to give an exact answer to this question  (Whether Quotes) We cannot afford to have any large section of the business world in doubt whether they have broken the laws or not, and we cannot let the laws become a dead letter through vagueness. In this view it is clear that an administrative commission can render invaluable service  (Whether Quotes) People keep asking me if I am having more fun, being blonde, but I always have fun! Whether I’m blonde, redhead, or brunette! I always have fun  (Whether Quotes) What difference does it make whether you’re looking at a photograph or looking at a still life in front of you? You still have to look  (Whether Quotes) One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true or false  (Whether Quotes) Most of what we take as being important is not material, whether it’s music or feelings or love. They’re things we can’t really see or touch. They’re not material, but they’re vitally important to us  (Whether Quotes) Music is always occurring. It is just a matter of marketing, attention, and many other factors, that determines whether people will hear these songs or not  (Whether Quotes) The best compliment to a child or a friend is the feeling you give him that he has been set free to make his own inquiries, to come to conclusions that are right for him, whether or not they coincide with your own  (Whether Quotes) When one ceases from conflict, whether because he has won, because he has lost, or because he cares no more for the game, the virtue passes out of him  (Whether Quotes) I just knew how to do the one thing I did, and whether I did it well or not depended on who the director was  (Whether Quotes) Youve simply got to go on and on with your family and friends and tell them how much you love them because you never know whether theyll be there tomorrow, do you?  (Whether Quotes)
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