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I think that women are powerful and they’re multifaceted and they’re survivors; they don’t have to depend on a man to do the things they needed them to do, whether it was hunting or lifting heavy things, so what’s a man’s place now? Who knows!  (Whether Quotes) I’m a comedy geek so anything comedy related, whether that’s standup shows, improv shows, I’m all over that. That’s my favorite way to be entertained always  (Whether Quotes) I feel like life is really short, and it’s important to enjoy yourself and embrace whatever comes your way, whether it’s a challenging day or a great day, just welcome it with open arms. No matter who you are, you can’t escape challenges; they are part of life  (Whether Quotes) At the root of the shy temperament is a deep fear of social judgment, one so severe it can sometimes be crippling. Introverted people don’t worry unduly about whether they’ll be found wanting, they just find too much socializing exhausting and would prefer either to be alone or in the company of a select few people  (Whether Quotes) Life is a series of baby steps along the way and if you add up these tiny little steps you take toward your goal, whatever it is, whether it’s giving up something, a terrible addiction or trying to work your way through an illness. When you total up those baby steps you’d be amazed over the course of 10 years, the strides you’ve taken  (Whether Quotes) I love playing different characters and I love doing fun things and I love to entertain people, whether that be in a comedy or a drama. If I get you to laugh or I get you to cry I’m super stoked, as morbid as that might sound  (Whether Quotes) People want to talk about whether I have rock cred, whether I’m selling out, the theatricality, the gay stuff... Chill out! And just enjoy yourself  (Whether Quotes) As a reader, I notice political views regardless of whether or not the book is fiction. What annoys me is when said views do nothing to advance the narrative  (Whether Quotes) A lot of people can have a lot of different influences, everyone can be compared in some way to someone whether they are from 60 years ago or more recent  (Whether Quotes) Take that one thing you don’t like about yourself and more often than not that’s the one thing that makes you more special. Whether it’s that gap in your teeth, or that mole you never liked, or your skin color  (Whether Quotes) When I’m at the greatest odds with my body, it’s usually because I feel my body’s betraying me, whether that’s been in the past, struggling with my weight and feeling that I couldn’t eat what I wanted to eat, or that I couldn’t get my body to do what I wanted it to do  (Whether Quotes) I am a guy who likes to do what I am doing with passion, whether it’s a soccer match with friends or golf  (Whether Quotes) It is not up to me whether I win or lose. Ultimately, this might not be my day. And it is that philosophy towards sports, something that I really truly live by. I am emotional. I want to win. I am hungry. I am a competitor. I have that fire. But deep down, I truly enjoy the art of competing so much more than the result  (Whether Quotes) In every film, whether it’s a fictional character or not, you create an idea of the character and for me I always do a bad impersonation to start with  (Whether Quotes) I have loved music so much from when I was little, and I don’t know whether it was because I saw my dad doing it and then I got the idea; I don’t know what came first... But I always had a hairbrush in the mirror singing. I was always with him backstage; I would go out and be pulled in for the last song  (Whether Quotes) Any time women come together with a collective intention, it’s a powerful thing. Whether it’s sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens  (Whether Quotes) And as a director, you make 1,000 decisions a day, mostly binary decisions: yes or no, this one or that one, the red one or the blue one, faster or slower. And it’s the culmination of those decisions that define the tone of the film and whether or not it moves people  (Whether Quotes) I’m quite arty. I didn’t know whether to become an artist or musician but I realised I could paint with music. All my songs have colours  (Whether Quotes) Storytelling is my currency. It’s my only worth. The only thing of value I have in this life is my ability to tell a story, whether in print, orating, writing it down or having people acting it out  (Whether Quotes) Being outspoken about my faith isn’t just something that I do; it’s who I am because my faith isn’t just a little piece of my life. It is my life. It’s not a question of whether I’m outspoken about it or not. I’m definitely not ashamed of it  (Whether Quotes) It’s the uncertainty, the challenge and the willingness to put it all on the line that draws a lot of people to climb mountains. That can also apply to a lot of other challenges in life, whether it’s running for office, starting a family, going to grad school or taking all of your cash and assets and starting a business  (Whether Quotes) I always say leave things at the door. Whether it’s at your audition or at your house, leave the problems of the day away. Keep persevering, stick to yourself. Don’t do what other people ask, do what you want!  (Whether Quotes) When you have an audience standing and screaming the entire way through the short program and cheering every element you do, whether it’s footwork, or spin, or a jump, to have that kind of emotion coming at you from every direction in the building, it’s the most amazing sensation you can get as a sportsman  (Whether Quotes) I think nowadays it’s so easy as an athlete to become a statistic whether or not you lose everything or having trouble or whatever it may be  (Whether Quotes) I don’t know whether it is important to study science at a young age, though current thinking emphasises the need  (Whether Quotes) Science is, rightly, searching for drugs to arrest ageing or to slow the advance of dementia. But the evidence suggests that many of the most powerful factors determining how you age come from what you do, and what you do with others: whether you work, whether you play music, whether you have regular visitors  (Whether Quotes) Your brain may give birth to any technology, but other brains will decide whether the technology thrives. The number of possible technologies is infinite, and only a few pass this test of affinity with human nature  (Whether Quotes) The sound of distant breakers made her heart ache with melancholy. She was in the mood when the sea has a saddening effect upon the nerves. It is only when we are very happy that we can bear to gaze merrily upon the vast and limitless expanse of water, rolling on and on with such persistent, irritating monotony to the accompaniment of our thoughts, whether grave or gay. When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys  (Whether Quotes) They marched. Not for themselves. They marched to remember the ones who didn’t make it back. They marched because seeing so much loss can teach you about life. they marched because we’re all fighting a war whether we know it or not... a war for our minds and souls and what we believe in  (Whether Quotes) To his surprise he also discovered that it was possible to be good at what you had little interest in, just as it had been possible to be bad at something, whether painting or poetry, that you cared about a great deal  (Whether Quotes)
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