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The struggle to avert catastrophic climate change is bigger than all the other struggles, whether it is slavery, democracy struggles, the woman’s right to vote, and so on I would argue that if what is at stake is securing life as we know it, then there can be no bigger struggle that we face  (Whether Quotes) Every time you walk through a doorway today, whether at work or at home, know that on the inner planes you are walking through a doorway to heaven. An that is every doorway, as long as you recognise this in your consciousness  (Whether Quotes) Money is the great power today. Men sell their souls for it. Women sell their bodies for it. Others worship it. The money power has grown so great that the issue of all issues is whether the corporation shall rule this country or the country shall again rule the corporations  (Whether Quotes) It is your birthright to have a life of meaning and purpose. Whether or not the people in your life have consistently celebrated your incarnation, you deserve to celebrate your existence  (Whether Quotes) In many ways, constancy is an illusion. After all, our ancestors were immigrants, many of them moving on every few years; today we are migrants in time. Unless teachers can hold up a model of lifelong learning and adaptation, graduates are likely to find themselves trapped into obsolescence as the world changes around them. Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain  (Whether Quotes) The truth is that people who pull triggers are ultimately responsible, whether they’re following orders or not. An army of people making individual moral choices may be inefficient, but an army of people ignoring their morality is horrifying  (Whether Quotes) The true test is, whether the object be of a local character, and local use; or, whether it be of general benefit to the states. If it be purely local, congress cannot constitutionally appropriate money for the object. But, if the benefit be general, it matters not, whether in point of locality it be in one state, or several; whether it be of large, or of small extent  (Whether Quotes) In a general sense, all contributions imposed by the government upon individuals for the service of the state, are called taxes, by whatever name they may be known, whether by the name of tribute, tythe, tallage, impost, duty, gabel, custom, subsidy, aid, supply, excise, or other name  (Whether Quotes) There are patterns which emerge in one’s life, circling and returning anew, an endless variation on a theme. So musicians say the greatest sonatas are composed; whether or not it is true, I do not know, but of a surety I have seen it emerge in the tapestry of my life  (Whether Quotes) If you don’t like us, don’t accept our invitations and don’t invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you  (Whether Quotes) I think the biggest mistake most people make when they pick their first job is they don’t worry enough about whether they’ll love the work, and they worry more about whether it’s good experience  (Whether Quotes) I tended not to be concerned about whether a song was going to be a hit when I wrote it. Because it became evident that none of us knew what was a hit and what wasn’t. So I thought if I just write what I like, why shouldn’t people like what I like?  (Whether Quotes) Momentum was momentum, whether you found it in music or on the street or in the beat of your own heart  (Whether Quotes) Whether your characters journey daily to a distant moon or just down the street to the corner bar, what matters to the reader is the singular event that distinguishes one such voyage from all the others and makes for a story worth telling  (Whether Quotes) We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent  (Whether Quotes) A time will come, and soon, when, from mere habit, you will echo the scream of every delirious wretch that harbors near you; then you will pause, clasp your hands on your throbbing head, and listen with horrible anxiety whether the scream proceeded from you or them  (Whether Quotes) The world we live in is a world of mingled good and evil. Whether it is chiefly good or chiefly bad depends on how we take it. To look at the world in such a way as to emphasize the evil is the art of pessimism. To look at it in such a way as to bring out the good, and throw the evil into the background, is the art of optimism. The facts are the same in either case. It is simply a question of perspective and emphasis  (Whether Quotes) The dumbest question I was ever asked by a sportswriter was whether I hit harder with red or white gloves. As a matter of fact, I hit harder with red  (Whether Quotes) The situation is not good with the record companies. It’s just not working out, so I don’t plan to record until it’s straightened out. In the meantime I’m happy doing my movies and writing the music for the theme songs, whether I sing them or not  (Whether Quotes) I am not a complete idiot, but whether from weakness or laziness have no talent for thinking. I know only how to reflect: I am a mirror... Logic does not exist for me. I float on the waves of art and life and never really know how to distinguish what belongs to the one or the other or what is common to both. Life unfolds for me like a theatre presenting a sequence of somewhat unreal sentiments; while the things of art are real to me and go straight to my heart  (Whether Quotes) Mentally there’s no question about whether I still like the sport and love doing it. I think it’s pretty clear to everyone here that I love the sport. I love doing gymnastics and I love performing. So that’s not really a question  (Whether Quotes) I think the way the greens are, you need to be very accurate with your irons. Whether there’s wind or not, the most important thing out here is being able to control the distance of your irons and the direction. I’ve done that pretty well the last couple of days  (Whether Quotes) The important question is, therefore, not whether anarchy is possible or not, but whether we can so enlarge the scope and influence of libertarian methods that they become the normal way in which human beings organise their society  (Whether Quotes) I no longer knew whether it was raindrops or my own tears that were flowing down my cheeks, and I hated to have to drag along this relic of a sniveling child  (Whether Quotes) I think you can tell when you meet someone whether they read novels. There’s some hollowness if they don’t  (Whether Quotes) What unimaginable luxury, never to wrestle with whether or why, never to lie awake nights wondering what if  (Whether Quotes) Whether I scare some people or not, I don’t give a hoot. If you’re not scared by now, nothing can scare you  (Whether Quotes) That which makes you different is what makes you strong. Whether you’re gay, straight, purple, orange, dinosaur; I don’t care  (Whether Quotes) No matter what, I will always prefer a live performance. Whether it be a play or a musical, or playing music live. As long as it’s live, it’s the best because there’s sort of an immediacy to connection between an audience and a performer, whereas where you do film or television, you’re at the whim of so many different forces  (Whether Quotes) I want to study marriage. I want to learn about it. I want to know it. I want to figure out whether or not I want to do it. I’m not just going to leap into it, because that’s not good for anybody  (Whether Quotes)
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