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There were never moments in your life when you actually saw something end, for whether you knew it or not something else was always flowering. Never a disappearance, always a transformation  (Whether Quotes) It seems to me that whether it is recognized or not, there is a terrific frustration which increases in intensity and harmfulness as time goes on, when people are always daydreaming of the kind of place in which they would like to live, yet never making the place where they do live into anything artistically satisfying to them. Always to dream of a cottage by a brook while never doing anything to the stuffy house in the city is to waste creativity in this very basic area, and to hinder future creativity by not allowing it to grow and develop through use  (Whether Quotes) A boy is a long time before he knows his alphabet, longer before he has learned to spell, and perhaps several years before he can read distinctly; and yet there are some people who, as soon as they get on a horse, entirely undressed and untaught, fancy that by beating and spurring they will make him a dressed horse in one morning only. I would fain ask such stupid people whether by beating a boy they would teach him to read without first showing him the alphabet? Sure, they would beat him to death, before they would make him read  (Whether Quotes) What a world! Whether you’re right or wrong, as long as you’re strong, you’re right  (Whether Quotes) The biggest gift you can give is to be absolutely present, and when you’re worrying about whether you’re hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who cares? The main thing is that you’re showing up, that you’re here and that you’re finding ever more capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that. That was what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world  (Whether Quotes) Words ride on the energy of tone, its warmth or coldness; think of tone as the music of how words are expressed. You want this music to be soulful, whether you’re giving sweet talk or tough love  (Whether Quotes) Whatever I’m working on, I get excited. It does not matter whether I have done the same piece many times. I still can’t wait to get out to the shop in the morning  (Whether Quotes) Something worth doing might take a while, so really flesh out the potential of the business and be honest about whether it’s worth doing. If it’s not a $100 million company in five years, maybe it’ll take 10 or 15 years. If you’re doing something that has a universal, timeless need, then you need to think of the company in a timeless way  (Whether Quotes) That the question of likability even exists in literary conversations is odd. It implies that we are engaging in a courtship. When characters are unlikable, they don’t meet our mutable, varying standards. Certainly we can find kinship in fiction, but literary merit shouldn’t be dictated by whether we want to be friends or lovers with those about whom we read  (Whether Quotes) School is one thing. Education is another. The two don’t always overlap. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education  (Whether Quotes) One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster  (Whether Quotes) When you find someone you want to spend forever with you, you don’t let them go, whether forever turns out to be a day or a year of fifty years. Don’t let the fear of losing them keep you from loving them  (Whether Quotes) Every day of your life, you change the world. Absolutely, yes, we’re out to change the world. I mean, you change it whether you like it or not. You wake up and you talk to the grocer. You either kick your dog or you pet him. There’s a million decisions you have every day where you change the world  (Whether Quotes) At the soul level, we get precisely what we need in our lives for our spiritual growth. How we judge what we get determines whether we experience life as painful or joyful  (Whether Quotes) I always say that as church falls into demise, we still have the inclination to congregate whether by a night of music or a festival, or just sitting down to listen to some vinyl  (Whether Quotes) Channel your emotion into the excellence of doing something rather than the mediocrity of deciding whether or not to do it  (Whether Quotes) The question to ask is not whether you are a success or a failure, but whether you are a learner or a nonlearner  (Whether Quotes) Scrape the grey sky clean. Realize every grey cloud is a smoke screen to blind us from the truth, and the truth is whether we see them or not the sun and moon are still there, and always there is light  (Whether Quotes) The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days?  (Whether Quotes) The test of truth in life is not whether we can remember what we learned in school, but whether we are prepared for change  (Whether Quotes) It’s not just about life, of course; it’s about healthy life. Getting frail and miserable and dependent is no fun, whether or not dying may be fun  (Whether Quotes) No. The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world, or a relationship... Everything has its time. And everything ends  (Whether Quotes) There isn’t, unfortunately, any way of discovering whether you can write a publishable novel except by writing it  (Whether Quotes) I believe that we all get rewarded and punished according to whether we operate in harmony or in conflict with nature’s laws, and that all societies will succeed or fail in the degrees that they operate consistently with these laws  (Whether Quotes) I know the world that I am painting is not a reality. It is a whim, an entertainment to provoke something in people, whether as escapism or relief. I think that is very valid  (Whether Quotes) While an artist can choose whether or not to be responsive and responsible towards other human beings, by definition a designer must be  (Whether Quotes) Modern systematic politics, whether liberal, conservative, radical, or socialist, simply has to be rejected from a standpoint that owes genuine allegiance to the tradition of the virtues; for modern politics itself expresses in its institutional forms a systematic rejection of that tradition  (Whether Quotes) I believe that true beauty comes from inside you and that always shows through. I have no problem with whatever the next look is, whether it’s big blonde hair and blue eyes or green hair and dark eyes. That’s fine so long as there isn’t just one ideal image  (Whether Quotes) I’ve spent my life capturing beautiful images. And whether in wilderness or in the downtown of a giant city, I find connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty that I recognize as a part of me, a part of all of us that celebrates life. It’s my great pleasure to share with you that energy which inspires me; this great visual beauty of our world  (Whether Quotes) Happiness comes from accepting the present situation, whether it is something you wish to savor as long as possible or change as quickly as you can. Neither is possible without acceptance as the starting point, because without acceptance you are living on the periphery of your life. There at the edges, you can’t fully enjoy the good stuff or do anything about the rest  (Whether Quotes)
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