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Each river is different, but they all eventually lead to the ocean. No matter what we’re doing or when, or whether it brings us happiness or remorse, gain or loss, we’re all on our individual paths to enlightenment. Even when we’ve done something we consider wrong, we’re still on our path to enlightenment  (Whether Quotes) It wasn’t that I had any great dream of being an architect. I just wanted to make things. Whether it was furniture, painting, interior design, or architecture. I just wanted to create something  (Whether Quotes) It really is my opinion that media in general are so bad that we have to question whether the world wouldn’t be better off without them altogether. They are so distortive to how the world actually is that the result is.. we see wars, and we see corrupt governments continue on  (Whether Quotes) Contrary to what our brains are telling us, there’s no mystical force that imbues a winner with a streak of luck, nor is there a cosmic sense of justice that ensures that a loser’s luck will turn around. The universe doesn’t care one whit whether you’ve been winning or losing; each roll of the dice is just like every other  (Whether Quotes) What we make of people, and what we see in the mirror when we look at ourselves, depends on what we know of the world, what we believe to be possible, what memories we have, and whether our loyalties are to the past, the present or the future  (Whether Quotes) The strongest factor in conditioning is sex, in the sense that the first thing that a person is really taught is whether they are male or female  (Whether Quotes) Racing a marathon is a true and simple way to test the human spirit. Whether it goes perfectly or poorly you will certainly learn something about yourself and be a better person for having tackled the distance  (Whether Quotes) When managers have got decisions to make, whether it benefits me or not, I have to be man enough to take it  (Whether Quotes) Really exotic methods of propulsion... will have to be devised to get there. How it will be done, I do not know. Whether it will be done, I am not quite certain. But I would bet it can be done  (Whether Quotes) The shuttle tomorrow is truly like laying the last spike on the transcontinental railroad, only much more so. And whether or not we’re going to see in in the next 10 or 20 years, there are people alive today who will see manufacturing in space from moon materials or from asteroids  (Whether Quotes) Real change doesn’t come without crisis. Childbirth doesn’t come without crisis. I think that’s happening with humanity now. Our growth has generated multiple crises... and these are the contractions that are propelling us into a new world, whether we like it or not, but I think we’re going to like it  (Whether Quotes) If you must commit suicide... always contrive to do it as decorously as possible; the decencies, whether of life or of death, should never be lost sight of  (Whether Quotes) We’re all doing time. As soon as we get born, we find ourselves assigned to one little body, one set of desires and fears, one family, city, state, country, and planet. Who can ever understand exactly why or how it comes down as it does? The bottom line is, here we are. Whatever, wherever we are, this is what we’ve got. It’s up to us whether we do it as easy time or hard time  (Whether Quotes) Once you accept anything as tacked down, then you begin to build a structure, to accept limits. Then you have to make a choice as to whether or not you’re going to accept that structure. If you do, you give up the notion of total freedom  (Whether Quotes) The impression is that love is something that happens to you like magic. That love is something others do for you, but that you cannot do for yourself. Love is not something you wait for. Love doesn’t just happen. Love is something you do. When you want love, give love. Moment to moment, you make the choice whether to give love and be loved  (Whether Quotes) One way to determine if a view is inadequate is to check its consequences in particular cases, sometimes extreme ones, but if someone always decided what the result should be in any case by applying the given view itself, this would preclude discovering it did not correctly fit the case. Readers who hold they would plug in to the machine should notice whether their first impulse was not to do so, followed later by the thought that since only experiences could matter, the machine would be all right after all  (Whether Quotes) People ask whether I put the politics first, journalism first or the comedy first; it doesn’t really matter. I’m just playing with the cards that I have been dealt because I really love doing what I do  (Whether Quotes) Whether he gets hit early or in the middle or late, he gets in his seven innings it seems like every time. There are also great defensive plays made behind him and it’s not a coincidence. Guys are in the game. He works quick  (Whether Quotes) Imagination is the first step in creation whether in words or trifles. The mental pattern must always precede the material form  (Whether Quotes) I don’t know if I have the patience and I don’t have a trainers license but I will help out. Whether I want to do that full time, I doubt it  (Whether Quotes) It opposes the dogmatic application to all cases of what is adequate only for piecemeal aggregates. The question is whether an approach in piecemeal terms, through blind connections, is or is not adequate to interpret actual thought processes and the role of the past experience as well. Past experience has to be considered thoroughly, but it is ambiguous in itself; so long as it is taken in piecemeal, blind terms it is not the magic key to solve all problems  (Whether Quotes) We are never far from the lilt and swirl of living water. Whether to fish or swim or paddle, of only to stand and gaze, to glance as we cross a bridge, all of us are drawn to rivers, all of us happily submit to their spell. We need their familiar mystery. We need their fluent lives interflowing with our own  (Whether Quotes) I have found in my experience that expediency, whether it is practical or not, is an unreliable guide for behavior. Human behavior must be guided by a higher principle. Practicality has its place but only within a framework of values, which all men of good will share  (Whether Quotes) If I’ve learned anything over the past 5 years, it’s that you do not know where you’re going to be tomorrow. You have to make decisions based on that; it’s almost pointless. So, you know, whether I learned, I think I’m pretty aware, pretty conscious of that point to live in the moment. It’s a hard lesson, but it’s like, I’m trying to learn to quiet my mind down, know what I mean?  (Whether Quotes) When you’re wondering whether she’s his daughter or his girlfriend, she’s his girlfriend  (Whether Quotes) If you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you’re good enough. Just do it. Be generous. Offer a gift to the world no one else can offer : yourself  (Whether Quotes) How can a young person learn whether he chose the correct way? He thinks he has a special idea, and then he discovers that he is completely inappropriate for it  (Whether Quotes) Sometimes we have to put our foot down,... but before we deliberately make children unhappy in order to get them to get into the car, or to do their homework or whatever, we need to weigh whether what we’re doing to make it happen is worth the possible strain on our relationship with them  (Whether Quotes) You don’t need a scale to tell you whether you’re allowed to like yourself today. You are. You belong here. No matter what you weigh, you deserve joy and happiness  (Whether Quotes) In our world no one ever knows what to do, and everyone’s just as clueless and full of crap as everyone else, and you have to figure it all out by yourself. And even after you’ve figured it out and done it, you’ll never know whether you were right or wrong. You’ll never know if you put the ring in the right volcano, or if things might have gone better if you hadn’t  (Whether Quotes)
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