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In the last analysis, our national future depends upon our national character that is, whether it is spiritually or materially minded  (Whether Quotes) On everything I do I’m always taking someone’s money, whether it’s a movie studio or a record label. Somebody’s paying for it, and I’m always respectful of that. But I’m never going to compromise  (Whether Quotes) In futsal, you see whether a player is really talented. You notice the small details in quality, class and tactical understanding  (Whether Quotes) Life itself is a race, marked by a start, and a finish. It is what we learn during the race, and how we apply it, that determines whether our participation has had particular value. If we learn from each success, and each failure, and improve ourselves through this process, then at the end, we have fulfilled our potential and performed well  (Whether Quotes) Do any of us know how we’re actually doing? Whether or not all the hard work and good intentions are paying off?  (Whether Quotes) I’ve always been a sponge, just absorbing whatever I see, whether it’s in daily life or in art  (Whether Quotes) It does not, however, seem impossible that by an attention to breed, a certain degree of improvement, similar to that among animals, might take place among men. Whether intellect could be communicated may be a matter of doubt: but size, strength, beauty, complexion, and perhaps even longevity are in a degree transmissible... As the human race could not be improved in this way, without condemning all the bad specimens to celibacy, it is not probable, that an attention to breed should ever become general  (Whether Quotes) There is no debate whether we need a cultural policy or not. We do need it, but there are different ways of doing it  (Whether Quotes) Open your eyes, whether you presently believe it or not, your life is already abundant. Before you can accept abundance in your life, you have to notice it  (Whether Quotes) Fundamentally, the force that rules the world is conduct, whether it be moral or immoral. If it is moral, at least there may be hope for the world. If immoral, there is not only no hope, but no prospect of anything but destruction of all that has been accomplished during the last 5,000 years  (Whether Quotes) Let the spirit of your work be right, and whether your task be great or small you will then have the satisfaction of knowing it is worth while  (Whether Quotes) I also liked to look around at the houses surrounding the park and wonder about the people who filled them, what kinds of marriages they had and how they loved or hurt each other on any given day, and if they were happy, and whether they thought happiness was a sustainable thing  (Whether Quotes) The art of drawing conclusions from experiments and observations consists in evaluating probabilities and in estimating whether they are sufficiently great or numerous enough to constitute proofs. This kind of calculation is more complicated and more difficult than it is commonly thought to be  (Whether Quotes) I believe that the time has arrived for medical investigation of the problems of manned rocket flight, for it will not be the engineering problems but rather the limits of the human frame that will make the final decision as to whether manned space flight will eventually become a reality  (Whether Quotes) What I find interesting is how close you can run the laughter along the seam of seriousness, and occasionally cross it, so that half the house genuinely doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Custard pie humour is fairly universal, but at the other end, which I’m more interested in, there’s the humour that hovers on the darkness, that walks in the shadow of something else, not always that obvious  (Whether Quotes) I definitely write from a need to try, in my own two hours, to right a wrong. My little play is inconsequential in terms of whether or not we have health care, but it may affect the way people who see the play think about the issue  (Whether Quotes) I see something, find it marvelous, want to try and do it. Whether it fails or whether it comes off in the end becomes secondary... So long as I’ve learned something about why  (Whether Quotes) The scientific method... is nothing but the exclusion of subjective opinions as far as possible, by the devising of experiments where observation can give objective answers, yes or no, to questions whether events are causally connected  (Whether Quotes) Everyone is free to set up an opinion and to adduce proofs in support of it. Whether, though, a scientist shall find it worth his while to enter into serious investigations of opinions so advanced is a question which his reason and instinct alone can decide. If these things, in the end, should turn out to be true, I shall not be ashamed of being the last to believe them  (Whether Quotes) I don’t think you’re going to be a success in anything if you think about losing, whether it’s in sports or in politics  (Whether Quotes) Leadership is possible in all different ways, and in all different areas of life. Whether it is with friends or family, I expect them to set a great example for me, and hopefully I will do the same for them. And that is all part of being a leader  (Whether Quotes) A beginning must be made somewhere and corner by corner, department by department, space by space, all will be known and conquered. In the end, all must be explored, and whether one begins in the east or the west cannot matter much. The big concern is the extent to which a man offers himself, mind and body, to his worthwhile work. Upon that will growth depend  (Whether Quotes) I have often been asked whether I am a women or an athlete. The question is absurd. Men are not asked that. I am an athlete. I am a women  (Whether Quotes) Only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent, or gradual  (Whether Quotes) When I get a chance to power jump off both legs, I can lean, twist, change directions and decide whether to dunk the ball or pass it to an open man. In other words, I may be committed to the air, but I still have some control over it  (Whether Quotes) I design for the use of a building and the place and for the people who use it... the reputation for arrogance comes because when work is offered to me, I look whether I can find a genuine interest in quality  (Whether Quotes) To every problem there is already a solution, whether you know it or not. To every sum in there is already a correct answer, whether the mathematician has found it or not  (Whether Quotes) Yet little by little, I was also becoming the girl who was learning to live with this, all of it, letting it weave together with everything else, the good and the bad, as life moved forward, because thats what life did, regardless of whether we were ready for it or not  (Whether Quotes) You have to figure that there is something seriously wrong with somebody who wants to enter a profession that deals with whether people are screwing enough. Dealing with spirits, spooks, and demons almost seemed normal  (Whether Quotes) I like making songs up. Whether or not they’re great songs or good songs, whatever. It’s something I’ve always done, and I definitely feel like I’ve gotten better at it  (Whether Quotes)
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