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What I find daunting always is to stand on a stage and talk to people, whether they agree with me or not  (Whether Quotes) I’m not an elected official who puts a finger in the wind to see what the majority thinks; I represent women, whether they’re popular or not  (Whether Quotes) I put my life in danger every time I do some of these demonstrations, whether it’s in the audience hanging upside down or on the stage. We now have a lot of dangerous stunts where anything can go wrong. In fact, I have fallen two stories and landed on the stage, so I am well aware of the dangers  (Whether Quotes) What friends or kindred can be so close and intimate as the powers of our soul, which, whether we will or no, must ever bear us company?  (Whether Quotes) Ultimately, physical resemblance isn’t as important as whether this person can bring this character to life in a way that’s compelling and makes me care about what happens to them  (Whether Quotes) Death is a companion for all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not, whether we’re aware of it or not, and it’s not necessarily a terrible thing  (Whether Quotes) I’ve never been one who enjoys maintaining the status quo. I’m always pushing for new ideas, whether it’s in business or philanthropy  (Whether Quotes) You don’t know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They’re very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way  (Whether Quotes) I never felt comfortable with making political decisions based on whether, you know, it was the right thing to do in terms of a poll  (Whether Quotes) Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. Believe in kissing  (Whether Quotes) Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves. It has nothing to do with how many times you win or lose. It has no relation to where you finish in a race or whether you break world records. But it does have everything to do with having the vision to dream, the courage to recover from adversity and the determination never to be shifted from your goals  (Whether Quotes) It’s a fact of life that how you dress affects how you are perceived and whether your contribution to a meeting is registered as worth listening to. It was most alarming the way people’s attitudes changed when I started wearing my designer suits to committee meetings. Obviously, it’s not just the clothes that count; you have got to have something worth saying. But it si true that some people’s views are dismissed before they speak because others perceive them as just a secretary!  (Whether Quotes) To sweat is to pray, to make an offering of your innermost self. Sweat is holy water, prayer beads, pearls of liquid that release your past. Sweat is an ancient and universal form of self healing, whether done in the gym, the sauna, or the sweat lodge. I do it on the dance floor. The more you dance, the more you sweat. The more you sweat, the more you pray. The more you pray, the closer you come to ecstasy  (Whether Quotes) For me, one of the most important things I look for in an actor is whether we can converse. Do we have a similar ability to discuss a character?  (Whether Quotes) The only pressure I feel is to write good books. And to not replicate the previous book. Whether you have a thousand readers or a million readers it doesn’t change the pressure. I never feel tempted to give the reader what I think the reader wants  (Whether Quotes) I look for the humanity in people, however big the politics or oppressive the situation may be, whether it’s subsumed within a human being or between two human beings. I want to help us hold a mirror to ourselves  (Whether Quotes) A lot of writers that I know have told me that the first book you write, you write about your childhood, whether you want to or not. It calls you back  (Whether Quotes) I think whether you’re a movie critic and have seen a million movies, or you’re just a normal popcorn movie watcher, you can tell the difference when someone is just laying it on too thick  (Whether Quotes) Not getting girls is the story of my life. I have always had a bit of a tough time with the ladies. I don’t know whether it’s that I don’t have game or just don’t feel comfortable in my own skin, but females pick up on that  (Whether Quotes) In our current state of human development it remains unclear whether we will correct one of life’s greatest tragedies, namely, the inability to appreciate a blessing until it is lost  (Whether Quotes) I feel a great responsibility playing a historical figure because whether they were good or bad, I feel like the person deserves a fair shake. It’s like being the executor of their estate in some ways  (Whether Quotes) Whether some may like it or not, I am still the farmer that I was born as and will continue to be one  (Whether Quotes) I weirdly feel very natural, in the physicality that comes my way, whether it’s guns, cars or whatever. For some reason, it’s second nature to me  (Whether Quotes) A lot of writers, especially crime writers, have an image that we think we’re trying to keep up with. You’ve got to be seen as dark and slightly dangerous. But I’m not like that and I’ve realised that I don’t need to put that on. People will buy the books whether they see a photo of you dressed in black or not  (Whether Quotes) I’m a songwriter, and people will tell you the greatest stories about their lives, whether you want to hear it or not  (Whether Quotes) I didn’t want to be an actress at all, or famous even. I certainly enjoy acting now, absolutely. Time will tell whether or not I enjoy fame  (Whether Quotes) I think if you’re good and you can persuade people you’re going to be able to do that role and ultimately the audience buys it, then it doesn’t matter whether you were really a chimpanzee in disguise! You’ve done it  (Whether Quotes) Every living being is psychic. Whether or not we are consciously aware of it, we feel vibrations and energies coming to us from other people all the time. The vast majority of the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel aren’t your own  (Whether Quotes) Just to exist, just to be, to take a breath, to feel that, whether its pleasure or pain, loss or gain, just your experience in life is unique to you. No one sees life like you do  (Whether Quotes) Learn to be happy in any and all circumstances, whether you’re experiencing pleasure or pain, whether there’s loss or gain, whether the world loves you or hates you. Learn to be happy  (Whether Quotes)
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