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Meditation practice is a way of making friends with ourselves. Whether we are worthy or unworthy, that’s not the point. It’s developing a friendly attitude to ourselves, accepting the hidden neurosis coming through  (Whether Quotes) Strokes carry a message whether you will it or not. The stroke is just like the artist at the time he makes it. All the certainties, all the uncertainties, all the bigness of his spirit and the littlenesses are in it  (Whether Quotes) The real test is not whether you avoid failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it  (Whether Quotes) Every page must explode, whether through seriousness, profundity, turbulence, nausea, the new, the eternal, annihilating nonsense, enthusiasm for principles, or the way it is printed  (Whether Quotes) The experiential test of whether this art is great or good, or minor or abysmal is the effect it has on your own sense of the world and of yourself. Great art changes you  (Whether Quotes) If I have accomplished anything good, then it’s mainly because I’ve been driven by the need to know whether I can accomplish things I’m not sure I have the capacity for  (Whether Quotes) There’s been plenty of adversity, starting the moment he was born. He had a respiratory crisis, and it was touch and go for a week whether he would survive. I think ever since, you can feel this pulse in the guy, an almost physical enthusiasm  (Whether Quotes) Time is the nervous system of narration, whether factual or fictive. If it gets confused some of the minutiae of human nature are certain not to work, not to glow, not to strike home  (Whether Quotes) After fifty years of living, it occurs to me that the most significant thing that people do is go to work, whether it is to go to work on their novel or at the assembly plant or fixing somebody’s teeth  (Whether Quotes) We have to yet really seriously debate the constitutional issues and whether or not we’re willing to give up more freedom in order to have more security  (Whether Quotes) A state has the right to prohibit the killing of dogs and bears whether for film or for other purposes  (Whether Quotes) There are tons of things in your home and life that you don’t use, need, or even particularly want. They just came into your life as impulsive flotsam and jetsam and never found a good exit. Whether you’re aware of it or not, this clutter creates indecision and distractions  (Whether Quotes) When one lives with problems of importance, the prostitute is ideal. You pay, and whether or not you fail is of no importance. She doesn’t care  (Whether Quotes) The different aspects of my activity, whether it’s writing criticism, or doing visual work that incorporates writing, or teaching, or curating, is all of a single cloth, and I don’t make any separation in terms of those practices  (Whether Quotes) I had been working purely abstractly for so long, it was important for me to see whether I was working abstractly because I couldn’t work any other way, or whether I was doing it out of choice  (Whether Quotes) Whether I shall be unfortunate depends also on others; whether I shall be unhappy depends only on myself  (Whether Quotes) A real artist may create his picture in a lonely desert... gods look over his shoulder; he creates in their company. What does he care whether or not anybody admires his picture?  (Whether Quotes) I was never happy that my injuries cut my career short and ultimately forced my decision to step away from tennis. I have enjoyed my time away from the court, a period that has allowed me to experience a different side of life. However, I miss the game and the challenge of competing at the highest level of tennis, and I want to gauge whether I can stay healthy and compete against today’s top players  (Whether Quotes) Asked whether donor nations may be becoming fatigued... The fatigue may be there, but I don’t think we can justify it in the face of such misery. We may need to wake up our conscience and our conscience must force us to act  (Whether Quotes) The brain scientists are the wave of the future in the financial world. If you seek to maximize understanding, whether you’re in academia or in the investment community, you’d better pay serious attention to them  (Whether Quotes) You can always find an evolutionary quotation for anything. But the question is whether it’s functional, which is not the same as being evolutionary  (Whether Quotes) The perfection of an art consists in the employment of a comprehensive system of laws, commensurate to every purpose within its scope, but concealed from the eye of the spectator; and in the production of effects that seem to flow forth spontaneously, as though uncontrolled by their influence, and which are equally excellent, whether regarded individually, or in reference to the proposed result  (Whether Quotes) Inspiration is there all the time. For everyone whose mind is not clouded over with thoughts whether they realize it or not  (Whether Quotes) It goes against an artist’s grain to retire. But whether he retires or not, he will age... What work will get done in the remaining time?...Can he find a little peace in this twilight? Or must he still rush on, restlessly and hungrily, to the very end?  (Whether Quotes) The window of opportunity to avert famine is rapidly closing and could already have closed. The real issue facing us is not whether there will be famine but how many people will actually die  (Whether Quotes) Lose yourself in the far off worlds that are right under your feet. Switch below with above all the way up into infinity. We should be thankful who we are, whether we know ourselves or not  (Whether Quotes) Whether you have training or not, the way to make your look make sense is to surround yourself with the things you love  (Whether Quotes) I have been asked whether it is strange when a big story and big business for you is tragedy or ill fortune for someone else; but the fact is that is how many things in life work sadly  (Whether Quotes) Whether something is called art is beside the point. What counts is what happens when you ask it to actually be art  (Whether Quotes) Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business  (Whether Quotes)
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