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It is still open to question whether psychology is a natural science, or whether it can be regarded as a science at all  (Whether Quotes) I don’t think there’s a conflation between somebody’s personal wealth and whether they should run for office or not, assuming that they’re not actually pursuing policies that help them make a lot of money  (Whether Quotes) In the end, for me, the sole single goal is to write the best novel that I can. Whether or not it gets made or gets purchased  (Whether Quotes) I absolutely made the decision that that cannot be the reason why I’m doing a film or a job. For me, it’s always about the script and whether I’m doing something that I’ve never done before  (Whether Quotes) Whether it be a reggae song, rock song, a love song, the main thing was just to, whatever I was feeling, to try to capture that emotion  (Whether Quotes) Whatever pressure I feel all comes from me, from within. I always was that person who was hard on myself and challenged myself no matter what I was doing, whether it was passing third grade or playing basketball  (Whether Quotes) When you draw a crowd of people in a street or room or landscape, decide whether you want to say that the people dominate the place or that the place is more important than the people  (Whether Quotes) Paint records the most delicate gesture and the most tense. It tells whether the painter sat or stood or crouched in front of the canvas. Paint is a cast made of the painter’s movements, a portrait of the painter’s body and thoughts  (Whether Quotes) Every sentence stands on its own. Whether that’s fair or not, that’s kind of the way it is  (Whether Quotes) Whether it is considered from the viewpoint of its effect on society, or as one of the expressions of the human spirit, creativity stands out as an activity to be studied, cherished, and cultivated  (Whether Quotes) Whether or not birth control is eugenic, hygienic, and economic, it is the most revolutionary practice in the history of sexual morals  (Whether Quotes) There’s truth in wine, and there may be some in gin and muddy beer; but whether it’s truth worth my knowing, is another question  (Whether Quotes) I have ever loved to repose myself, whether sitting or lying, with my heels as high or higher than my head  (Whether Quotes) People feel guilty enough at funerals without having more guilt heaped on. I would prefer a bighearted preacher giving my eulogy, someone inclined to widen heaven’s doors. I don’t want to leave folks wondering whether I made it  (Whether Quotes) I have no remorse. As to whether recollection of my deeds makes me feel ashamed, I will tell you. Thinking back to all the details is not at all unpleasant. I rather enjoy it  (Whether Quotes) The most important factor in determining whether you will succeed isn’t your gender, it’s you. Be open to opportunity and take risks. In fact, take the worst, the messiest, the most challenging assignment you can find, and then take control  (Whether Quotes) Whether we’re conscious of it or not, our work and personal lives are made up of daily rituals, including when we eat our meals, how we shower or groom, or how we approach our daily descent into the digital world of email communication  (Whether Quotes) I think inspiration is always around; it’s just a question of whether or not you’re noticing it  (Whether Quotes) What counts more than style is whether architecture improves our experience of the built world; whether it makes us wonder why we never noticed places in quite this way before  (Whether Quotes) What worse can happen to a man than to have been born? It’s like asking a man who is drowning whether he is not afraid of getting wet  (Whether Quotes) We must now examine whether just people also live better and are happier than unjust ones. I think it’s clear already that this is so, but we must look into it further, since the argument concerns no ordinary topic, but the way we ought to live  (Whether Quotes) We can never be quite clear whether we are referring to the world as it is or to the world as we see it  (Whether Quotes) Whether men soar to outer space or dive to the bottom of the deepest ocean they will find themselves as they are, unchanged, because they will not have forgotten themselves nor remembered to exercise the charity of forgiveness  (Whether Quotes) Before thou callest a man hero or genius, investigate whether his exertion has features of indelibility; for all that is celestial, all genius, is the offspring of immortality  (Whether Quotes) The birth of a child is the imprisonment of a soul. The soul must work its way out of prison, and, in doing so, provide itself with wings for a future journey. It is for each of us to determine whether our wings shall be those of an angel or a grub!  (Whether Quotes) Your great glory is not to be inferior to what you have been given by nature, and the greatest glory of a woman is to be least talked about by men, whether theyare praising or criticizing you  (Whether Quotes) I didn’t want to feel like I was mimicking or copying someone else’s performance, whether it’s subconscious or not  (Whether Quotes) People have been introduced to our band in so many ways. Whether we were playing at their college or we were the record that entertained their kids with  (Whether Quotes) If I can look at your zip code and I can tell whether you’re going to get a good education, we’ve got a real problem  (Whether Quotes) For the team to be successful, we’ve got to set team goals. I go out every game and make sure that I’m contributing, whether that’s defensively or offensively  (Whether Quotes)
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