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I enjoy directing. I don’t know whether it’s improving or not, but it’s certainly evolving in different directions  (Whether Quotes) I approach everything the same. I try to make it as real as possible, whether you gotta make people laugh or make people cry, it’s always the same approach for me. But if I start doing pratfalls, somebody please pull the plug on me  (Whether Quotes) You have different people who come into your life and they affect you in a way and leave an impact on you. Whether it’s projects or friends or directors, it’s just an opportunity that people give me  (Whether Quotes) It doesn’t matter to me whether I write in a man’s voice or a woman’s, or first or third person for that matter. Those choices come down to the story and I just go with it  (Whether Quotes) I think one of the things that is easy to have happened in a superhero story is that the female character, whether she be a heroine or not, can often be the wart on the man  (Whether Quotes) Playing on turf affects everything, you know, it affects the way the ball rolls, it affects the way the ball bounces, it affects the way you think about whether or not going into a slide. It’s kind of a nightmare  (Whether Quotes) We are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not  (Whether Quotes) The furnace which melts gold, also hardens clay. Before blaming thy fate, therefore, find whether thou art gold or clay  (Whether Quotes) As touching the gods, I do not know whether they exist or not, nor how they are featured; for there is much to prevent our knowing: the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life  (Whether Quotes) I hadn’t originally intended to do any reading, what if I did read one book more or one book less, whether I read or not wouldn’t make a difference, I would still be waiting to get cremated  (Whether Quotes) What is essential is whether it is perceived and not whether it exists. To exist and yet not to be perceived is the same as not exist  (Whether Quotes) Whether or not enlightenment is possible at the moment of death, the practices that prepare one for this possibility also bring one closer to the bone of life  (Whether Quotes) Whether or not this story has a happy ending depends, of course, on who is reading it. Whether you are a wolf or a girl  (Whether Quotes) Death can come at any minute, in any way. We do not know what is in store tomorrow, or, whether there is a tomorrow, or even a tonight! But still, we have the golden present. Now we are alive and kicking. What should we do now? Love all, serve all  (Whether Quotes) I can spot a musical type. I can tell by looking at a woman whether she is a contralto or a soprano  (Whether Quotes) Whether it is committed by a group operating within or without the law, terrorism is still terrorism  (Whether Quotes) Whether arrived at through reason or revelation... natural law is the highest law known to man. It is anchored in the very existential nature of man and is therefore a priori just  (Whether Quotes) If you begin to think business whether you own it or work for it like you would a well managed sports team you will learn a lot of very interesting lessons  (Whether Quotes) Timing and pace are important in any film, whether it be comedy or drama. And how better to learn the fundamentals of these show show business ingredients than by dancing?  (Whether Quotes) When you are doubting whether a thing is worth the trouble of going to see, recollect that you will never again be so near it. You may repent not having seen it, but you can never repent having seen it  (Whether Quotes) It’s not whether children learn from television, it’s what children learn from television... because everything that children see on television is teaching them something  (Whether Quotes) Ive just tried to keep my eyes open, tried to read everything you can, and tried to see whether I see myself within it. If I do, then I can get excited about it  (Whether Quotes) We are entering a period of human history that may provide an answer to the question of whether it is better to be smart than stupid  (Whether Quotes) It’s something I find enjoyable. Whether it is a road bike or mountain bike or tandem bike. I enjoy riding a bike  (Whether Quotes) Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death  (Whether Quotes) It is above all man’s social position that decides whether he will sublimate his sadism as a butcher, surgeon, or policeman  (Whether Quotes) Some people say that if you have sex you can’t be enlightened. I think it isn’t really so much whether you have sex or not, but it’s what you’re doing with your attention level during that time  (Whether Quotes) I’m something like the old soak who never knew whether his wife told him to take one drink and come home at 12, or take 12 and come home at one  (Whether Quotes) We don’t always get the kind of work we want, but we always have a choice of whether to do it with good grace or not  (Whether Quotes) Every day I get letters from people thanking me for helping them to become successful, whether because of their personal growth or because of economic rewards. A few of my former students have even become millionaires  (Whether Quotes)
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