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Whether you’re making a million dollar film or a $100 million film there is never enough money, theres never enough time  (Whether Quotes) I don’t know whether my life has been a success or a failure. But not having any anxiety about becoming one instead of the other, and just taking things as they come along, I’ve had a lot of extra time to enjoy life  (Whether Quotes) Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. The only chance is to treat not happiness, but some end external to it, as the purpose of life  (Whether Quotes) Under the gold standard gold is money and money is gold. It is immaterial whether or not the laws assign legal tender quality only to gold coins minted by the government  (Whether Quotes) Since no one can ever know for certain whether or not his own view of life is the correct one, it is absolutely impossible for him to know if someone else’s is the wrong one  (Whether Quotes) You have to be with the right person. Its so much more important to meet the right person, whether you’re married or not, than it is to get married and get a divorce  (Whether Quotes) A gourmet can tell from the flavor whether a woodcock’s leg is the one on which the bird is accustomed to roost  (Whether Quotes) Not to excuse myself, but when you have people right in front of you denying your very presence like that, then see if you don’t doubt whether you actually exist. I look at my hands half expecting to see clear through them  (Whether Quotes) I’ve died so many times. I’m 65. On my 40th birthday, my girlfriend gave me a reel with ways I had died, whether it was by knife, or electrocution or drowning or being thrown off a building or whatever it might have been. I’ve died a lot of times!  (Whether Quotes) I have an intuition, and usually my intuition is right. I have a feeling for whether a role will be good or bad for me, and I almost never make a mistake  (Whether Quotes) If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it had racial overtones  (Whether Quotes) Whether you’re transgender or not, most of us get to a point in our lives where we can no longer lie to ourselves  (Whether Quotes) I have always maintained that if you work hard, it won’t go waste, as recognition will come to you at some stage, whether in studies or sports. You need to have good intentions and intent to move ahead in life as well as in sports  (Whether Quotes) If you’re in the public eye and you have young girls who look up to what you do, they’re going to look to you for certain cues, so you have to take that as a responsibility, whether you think you deserve it or not  (Whether Quotes) No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me  (Whether Quotes) As nobody can possibly tell me whether one’s writing is bad or good, the only certain value is one’s own pleasure. I am sure of that  (Whether Quotes) Vanity is so frequently the apparent motive of advice, that we, for the most part, summon our powers to oppose it without any very accurate inquiry whether it is right  (Whether Quotes) It is very singular how the fact of a man’s death often seems to give people a truer idea of his character, whether for good or evil, than they have ever possessed while he was living and acting among them  (Whether Quotes) The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may going to prove one’s self a fool  (Whether Quotes) When there is a world scarcity of any commodity, whether it’s food or free speech, then the whole world must go on rations in order that eventually the whole world may have it again in plenty  (Whether Quotes) Women who once aspired to the image of superwoman now worry about becoming superdrudge. Those who wanted to have it all now ask whether they have to do it all  (Whether Quotes) The question before the advanced nations is not whether they can afford to help the developing nations, but whether they can afford not to do so  (Whether Quotes) It doesn’t matter whether the bride or the bridegroom writes the letters of thanks for wedding presents provided that these go out immediately after the arrival of each present and are not in the handwriting of the bride’s mother  (Whether Quotes) The bore is good for promoting sleep; but though he causeth sleep in others, it is uncertain whether he ever sleeps himself; as few can keep awake in his company long enough to see. It is supposed that when he sleeps it is with his mouth open  (Whether Quotes) People with little money seldom realize that people who have a lot of money are also frightened.... If security is based on having money, it doesn’t matter whether you have a little or a lot, you’re going to be afraid  (Whether Quotes) Maturity is the ability to do a job whether you’re supervised or not; finish a job once it’s started; carry money without spending it; and the ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even  (Whether Quotes) Fear has always been a diminisher of life. Whether bred in the bogs of superstition or clothed in the brocades of dogma and ritual, the specter of death has reduced the living to supplicants, powerless  (Whether Quotes) When you reach your sixties, you have to decide whether you’re going to be a sot or an ascetic. In other words if you want to go on working after you’re sixty, some degree of asceticism is inevitable  (Whether Quotes) I do believe that in every age there are people whose consciousness transcends their own time and that these people, whether fictional or historical, are those with whom we most closely identify and those about whom we most enjoy reading  (Whether Quotes) Every human activity, whether it be love, philosophy, art, or revolution, is carried on with a special intensity in Paris  (Whether Quotes)
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