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The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the devil, whether he knows it or not  (Whether Quotes) Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better  (Whether Quotes) Which always raises the interesting question of whether redheads pursue other redheads in a narcissistic way, or simply, because they have no other choice, as nonredheads aren’t interested  (Whether Quotes) Enlightenment is eliminating mental confusion, eliminating hatred, jealousy, mental toxins, cravings. That’s very simple and straightforward. Whether you can do it or not is another matter  (Whether Quotes) The crypto currency community hasn’t decided whether they want to be anarchist rebels or to replace the establishment  (Whether Quotes) I am glad I worked on a newspaper because it made me know I had to write whether I felt like it or not  (Whether Quotes) I think a loaded weapon aboard an airplane, whether its in the cargo section or in your overhead baggage, is a security issue  (Whether Quotes) I played in the high school band. I was the one baritone saxophone out of 80 other people. No one could tell whether I was hittin the right notes or the wrong notes  (Whether Quotes) Universities have come to realize that online is not a fad. The question is not whether to engage in this area but how to do it  (Whether Quotes) The trouble is that we do not know whether it has delivered better outcomes or not in services. After more than a decade, the time is right now to carry out a study like this and see if devolution is delivering where it counts  (Whether Quotes) My investment of time, as an educator, in my judgment, is best served teaching people how to think about the world around them. Teach them how to pose a question. How to judge whether one thing is true versus the other  (Whether Quotes) What scientists want next is a thorough comparison of what we and exosolar planets and vagabonds look like. Only in this way will we know whether our home life is normal or whether we live in a dysfunctional solar family  (Whether Quotes) In man, the mechanical breathing is essential to life, and it is one of the old tests for death to see whether these movements have ceased completely  (Whether Quotes) There are things in our blood that are just naturally passed down to us, whether we want to recognize them or not  (Whether Quotes) The brutal reality about aging is that it has only an accelerator pedal. We have yet to discover whether a brake exists for people  (Whether Quotes) The boom for luxury goods is unending. There are people who never have to worry about whether they can afford something they like. In one part of the world or another there will always be someone with money to spend on luxury  (Whether Quotes) Cities generate most of the global economy, and most of its energy use, resource demands and climate emissions. How we build cities over the next decades will largely determine whether we can deliver a bright green future  (Whether Quotes) Forgiveness is a way of opening up the doors again and moving forward, whether it’s a personal life or a national life  (Whether Quotes) The superior man does not mind being in office; all he minds about is whether he has qualities that entitle him to office. He does not mind failing to get recognition; he is too busy doing the things that entitle him to recognition  (Whether Quotes) What right those who govern have to govern they don’t question, they just govern. Whether the people have a right to depose them that doesn’t concern them. All they are concerned with is that the people will not be tempted to depose them  (Whether Quotes) It is an insult to our citizens to question whether they are rational beings or not, and blasphemy against religion to suppose it cannot stand the test of truth and reason  (Whether Quotes) God is the most important thing in our lives. I suppose that’s true of everybody’s lives, whether or not they want to believe it  (Whether Quotes) When you post something, when you text something, you lose ownership of it when you hit enter or send. Who you send it to, where you post it, they take ownership of that information whether you like it or not  (Whether Quotes) I have always been confident in my skills and once the game got going I knew I was probably the best player on the floor most of the time whether it was junior high, high school or college. I knew I had control of the game  (Whether Quotes) Women can be incredible role models for their kids, neighbors and communities just by making good choices in terms of what they’re eating and whether they’re exercising  (Whether Quotes) If I use the word romance, whether it’s my wife or not, it does not mean sex. We can use the word sex when sex is there  (Whether Quotes) The good thing is, we have household formation in this country. We have a country where I don’t know whether it’s a million households a year or more, but good form  (Whether Quotes) No matter whether your life is pleasant or good; whether you are having big challenges or no challenges, your state of your mind has everything to do with how you will relate to your experiences  (Whether Quotes) I think sometimes you get given a good pile of goodwill, and it’s whether you use it up in the first six months or spread it out over a career  (Whether Quotes) In order to inhabit a villain, you mustn’t care what the audience think of you. That’s not why you are there. You mustn’t care for a second whether the audience likes you or dislikes you. Your villain has to be way beyond that  (Whether Quotes)
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