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There is no such thing as too ordinary to write about, whether that’s life or a scene in a novel. What’s interesting to people, whether it’s memoir or fiction, is the truth  (Whether Quotes) There’s always been violence in movies, and there will always be violence in movies. Whether it lends to the one psychotic that’s out there, thinking the worst thoughts you could possibly thing, is always going to be a mystery  (Whether Quotes) Whether it happens over 10 years, like with a lot of people, or with one hit movie that thrusts you into that world, when you become successful as an actor, you become well known. In the end game, that’s just part of the business  (Whether Quotes) I’m going to fight for human rights, whether I do it silently behind the scenes or vocally so that I get locked up. I can’t just sit back; it’s not in my nature. I can’t sit back and blindly ignore it, and I won’t  (Whether Quotes) For me, the singer is actually the most important element. When I work with someone, it all comes down to whether I like the singer or not  (Whether Quotes) It is doubtful whether anyone who has travelled widely has found anywhere in the world regions more ugly than in the human face  (Whether Quotes) When we are old, our friends find it difficult to please us, and are less concerned whether we be pleased or not  (Whether Quotes) That there is an evolution of one sort or another is now common ground among scientists. Whether or not that evolution is directed is another question  (Whether Quotes) Security isn’t securities. It’s knowing that someone cares whether you are or cease to be  (Whether Quotes) I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments of both body and mind  (Whether Quotes) The cutting of heads is become so much a la mode, that one is apt to feel of a morning whether their own is on their shoulders  (Whether Quotes) People often are unsure whether or not they are in love, but they generally know whether or not they are having sex  (Whether Quotes) Consider first the nature of the business in hand; then examine thy own nature, whether thou hast strength to undertake it  (Whether Quotes) At the end of a marathon, it’s going to hurt whether you’re speeding up or slowing down. You may as well push  (Whether Quotes) Whether our efforts are, or not, favored by life, let us be able to say, when we come near to the great goal, I have done what I could  (Whether Quotes) An actor really is a kind of intermediary between an audience and the piece, whether it’s a play or movie  (Whether Quotes) The despotism of custom is on the wane. We are not content to know that things are; we ask whether they ought to be  (Whether Quotes) Each time I saw a cliff, I wondered whether I could free solo it. My life shaped itself around the understanding that falling means I die. To break the paradigm I had to empty out my essence, rummaging for fundamentals I thought were gone forever  (Whether Quotes) A curious thing about written literature: It is about four thousand years old, but we have no way of knowing whether four thousand years constitutes senility or the maiden blush of youth  (Whether Quotes) The one thing that seems to be consistent through all my work that I like, and I experimented a lot, is the viewer is allowed to meditate on something that normally we don’t stop and stare at, whether it’s people or a cactus  (Whether Quotes) The danger is not lest the soul should doubt whether there is any bread, but lest, by a lie, it should persuade itself that it is not hungry  (Whether Quotes) Perhaps it matters little whether the international community chooses to celebrate crop diversity, but it profoundly matters that the international community takes action to conserve it  (Whether Quotes) The ones who keep giving you reasons why you won’t succeed, are probably the ones who wish that you won’t. Listen to your heart. Follow your dream. It is not a question whether your dream is impossible. It is a question of how badly you want it  (Whether Quotes) I have a foolproof device for judging whether a picture is good or bad. If my fanny squirms, it’s bad. If my fanny doesn’t squirm, it’s good  (Whether Quotes) There’s not much high and low culture any more: there’s just mingling streams of art and what matters is whether it’s good art or bad art  (Whether Quotes) All experiences, what does not kill you makes you stronger and tougher I think. Life’s experiences, whether they be pleasant, unpleasant, torturous or excruciatingly wonderful and blissful, season you somehow and you learn from them  (Whether Quotes) The only thing in life that really gives me any peace is just being lost in the process of creating something, whether it’s the film or painting and drawing. Whatever that is, it is what I want to do  (Whether Quotes) If you study the history of mankind, it seems to be a history of violence. Certainly the history of art, whether you look at paintings or movies or plays or whatever, is just a litany of murder and death  (Whether Quotes) It’s important to be yourself. What art does for everyone, helps you understand yourself and in a distilled way, whether it’s a painting or a scene in acting or a joke. It distills something about everyday life that can be important to you  (Whether Quotes) It’s a very important skill set for an actor to be able to bring the humor into any moment, whether you’re doing drama or comedy  (Whether Quotes)
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