White Lie Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not a big fan of the white lie (White Lie Quotes)
A myth is an old lie that people believe in. White people believe that they’re better than anyone else on earth - and that’s a myth (White Lie Quotes)
An unconscious, gentle process whereby people who want to be loving attempt to be so by telling little white lies, by withholding some of the truth about themselves and their feelings in order to avoid conflict. Pseudocommunity is conflict-avoiding; true community is conflict-resolving (White Lie Quotes)
I suppose everyone tells little white lies. Quite often they’re necessary to make someone feel better or prevent feelings from being hurt. Whoppers? No, that’s dangerous and they’ll boomerang (White Lie Quotes)
White lies always introduce others of a darker complexion (White Lie Quotes)
But little white lies here and there is human nature. Everybody does that (White Lie Quotes)
Enough white lies can scorch the earth black (White Lie Quotes)
White lies are ushers to black ones (White Lie Quotes)
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake (White Lie Quotes)
A white lie is always pardonable. But he who tells the truth without compulsion merits no leniency (White Lie Quotes)
Those that think it permissible to tell white lies soon grow color blind (White Lie Quotes)
Those who think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blind (White Lie Quotes)
There is no such thing as white lies; a lie is as black as a coalpit, and twice as foul (White Lie Quotes)
A myth is the name of a terrible lie told by a smelly little brown person to a man in a white suit with a pair of binoculars (White Lie Quotes)
The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great many of our cattle. Some branded our young cattle so they could claim them (White Lie Quotes)
We know so little about each other. We lie mostly submerged, like ice floes, with our visible social selves projecting only cool and white (White Lie Quotes)
So remember when you tell those little white lies that the night has a thousand eyes (White Lie Quotes)
I don’t like being lied to, so I only lie about the stupid things. White lies, basically (White Lie Quotes)
There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all (White Lie Quotes)
A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldn’t believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation (White Lie Quotes)
All lies, white or black, disgrace a gentleman, although I grant there is a difference: to say the least of it, it is a dangerous habit, for white lies are but the gentleman ushers to black ones (White Lie Quotes)
In matters of honesty, there are no shortcuts; no little white lies, or big black lies, only the simple, honest truth spoken in total candor... Being true is different than being honest (White Lie Quotes)
The families of Aboriginals who have died in custody in NSW will suffer again because of these white lies (White Lie Quotes)