White Man Quotes
Text Quotes
See the fear and terror as black men run. White is right in the white man’s world, on the big white screen (White Man Quotes)
The good news may be that nature is phasing out the white man, but the bad news is that's who she thinks we all are (White Man Quotes)
The trouble with our people is as soon as they got out of slavery they didn't want to give the white man nothing else. But the fact is, you got to give em something. Either your money, your land, your woman or your ass (White Man Quotes)
What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and left me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I broken? (White Man Quotes)
The life my people want is a life of freedom. I have seen nothing that a white man has, houses or railways or clothing or food, that is as good as the right to move in the open country and live in our fashion (White Man Quotes)
If a white man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power (White Man Quotes)
The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years (White Man Quotes)
If a white man had land, and some one should swindle him, that man would try to get it back, and you would not blame him (White Man Quotes)
True, I used to see a lot of hope. I saw men tear down the veils behind which the truth had been hidden. But then the same men, when they have power in their hands at last, began to find the veils useful. They made many more. Life has not changed. Only some people have been growing, becoming different, that is all. After a youth spent fighting the white man, why should not the president discover as he grows older that his real desire has been to be like the white governor himself, to live above all the blackness in the big old slave castle? (White Man Quotes)
Although wrongs have been done to me, I live in hopes. I have not got two hearts... Now we are together again to make peace. My shame is as big as the earth, although I will do what my friends have advised me to do. I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses and everything else, it is hard for me to believe the white men any more (White Man Quotes)
I make films about black women and it doesn’t mean that you can’t see them as a black man, doesn’t mean that he can’t see them as a white man or she can’t see them as a white woman (White Man Quotes)
Women are not equal with men, that’s sure. When the woman is in danger she always looks to the man for help. We are superior by nature. The black or white woman needn’t worry in life because the world is ruled by the white man (White Man Quotes)
I have a personality defect where I sort of refuse to see myself as an underdog... It’s because of my parents. They raised me with the entitlement of a tall, blond, white man (White Man Quotes)
Let me just say, at once: I am not now nor have I ever been a white man. And, leaving aside the joys of unearned privilege, this leaves me feeling pretty good (White Man Quotes)
After all the black man has been through in this world, he can still often reach levels of spirituality the most pampered white man cannot touch. Maybe what he’s been through is the reason why (White Man Quotes)
We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on (White Man Quotes)
I am going to stop calling you a white man and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man (White Man Quotes)
Let us say boldly, that if the total slum violations of law by the white man over the years were calculated and compared with the lawbreaking of a few days of riots, the hardened criminal would be the white man (White Man Quotes)
Baseball is very big with my people. It figures. It’s the only way we can get to shake a bat at a white man without starting a riot (White Man Quotes)
Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery... is his natural and normal condition (White Man Quotes)
Because for me it is almost analgesic to talk about what the white man is doing against us. And it keeps a person frozen in their seat, it keeps you frozen in your hole you’re sitting in (White Man Quotes)
We were then in a dangerous, helpless situation, exposed daily to perils and death amongst savages and wild beasts, not a white man in the country but ourselves (White Man Quotes)
The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart (White Man Quotes)
I’ve never seen a sincere white man, not when it comes to helping black people. Usually things like this are done by white people to benefit themselves. The white man’s primary interest is not to elevate the thinking of black people, or to waken black people, or white people either. The white man is interested in the black man only to the extent that the black man is of use to him. The white man’s interest is to make money, to exploit (White Man Quotes)
Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man (White Man Quotes)
Until the image of the black man in the mind of the black man has been changed, there will always be delinquency, parental and juvenile. The idea is not to change the attitude of the white man to the black man but to change the attitude of the black man to himself (White Man Quotes)
I can’t discriminate? Oh, that’s ripe, coming from a straight white man. What’s the matter, baby doesn’t feel like he belongs? Well why don’t you try a place that was set up just for you? Like the world! (White Man Quotes)
Well, you interrupted me, pal. That’s what happens when you interrupt the white man, don’t you know? (White Man Quotes)
What white man can say I never stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they say that I am a thief (White Man Quotes)
We gave up some of our country to the white men, thinking that then we could have peace. We were mistaken. The white man would not let us alone (White Man Quotes)