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White Quotes

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You know, I always say white is not a colour, white is an attitude, and if you haven't got trillions of dollars in the bank that you don't need, you can't be white  (White Quotes) For aught I see, they are as sick, that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing; it is no mean happiness, therefore, to be seated in the mean; superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer  (White Quotes) The United States is no more a Christian nation because most of it's citizens are Christians than it is a 'white' nation because most of it's citizens are white. We are Americans because we practice democracy and believe in republican government, not because we practice revealed religion and believe in Bible-based government  (White Quotes) Tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on  (White Quotes) The White House is giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings. You know, some of these jokes just write themselves  (White Quotes) My hair is not really white; it's kind of grayish, and I don't like the color. So I make it totally white with Klorane dry shampoo. That is the best thing to do because my hair is always clean  (White Quotes) Most radiant Pyramus, most lily white of hue, of color like the red rose on triumphant brier, most brisky juvenal, and eke most lovely Jew, as true as truest horse, that yet would never tire, I'll meet thee, pyramus, at Ninny's tomb  (White Quotes) Chanel is composed of only a few elements, white camellias, quilted bags and Austrian doorman's jackets, pearls, chains, shoes with black toes. I use these elements like notes to play with  (White Quotes) In Montreal spring is like an autopsy. Everyone wants to see the inside of the frozen mammoth. Girls rip off their sleeves and the flesh is sweet and white, like wood under green bark. From the streets a sexual manifesto rises like an inflating tire, “the winter has not killed us again!"  (White Quotes) What's the difference between dragging a black man behind a truck in Jasper, Texas, and beating a white boy to death in Wyoming because he's gay?  (White Quotes) I certainly know that this relationship could not have continued the way it did, when I was at the Pentagon and the president was obviously at the White House, without Betty  (White Quotes) I've never had white teeth. To be honest, I've never been told to do any of those horrible things - get your teeth whitened or your nose straightened  (White Quotes) And see the country, far diffused around, one boundless blush, one white impurpled shower of mingled blossom's! Where the captured eye hurries from joy to joy  (White Quotes) This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep seated hatred for white people, or the white culture, I don't know what it is  (White Quotes) Free Press is a Marxist organization, and it - the FCC is now riddled with Free Press people. The White House, riddled with people that are taking phone calls from Free Press  (White Quotes) The relation subsisting between the white and colored people of this country is the great, paramount, imperative, and all commanding question for this age and nation to solve  (White Quotes) It is the mission of the printer to diffuse light and knowledge by a judicious intermingling of black with white  (White Quotes) Hey, I'm a good software engineer, but I'm not exactly known for my fashion sense. White socks and sandals don't translate to 'good design sense'  (White Quotes) Slice a pear and you will find that it's flesh is incandescent white. It glows with inner light. Those who carry a knife and a pear are never afraid of the dark  (White Quotes) Is not this lily pure? What fuller can procure a white so perfect, spotless clear as in this flower doth appear?  (White Quotes) After all, I don't see why I am always asking for private, individual, selfish miracles when every year there are miracles like white dogwood  (White Quotes) When I was a kid, my goodness, corporate America was a bunch of stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be serious, and now it's stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be funny  (White Quotes) You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today  (White Quotes) I don't see myself as the Great Black Hope. I'm just a golfer who happens to be black and Asian. It doesn't matter whether they're white, black, brown or green  (White Quotes) The lily is all in white, like a saint, and so is no mate for me  (White Quotes) Shock waves to a tired brain, sends that hungry lady to my door again. She's my shelter from the storm when I feel the rain, entertaining white powder  (White Quotes) I've changed the way I look a bit but not intentionally. I've cut my hair. I've got a bit of pink in it and lately I've become a bit monochrome, wearing a lot of black and white  (White Quotes) I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women  (White Quotes) Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas.... Why does he get so much publicity? Because he's white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest  (White Quotes) Now the new year reviving old desires, the thoughtful soul to solitude retires, where the white hand of moses on the bough puts out, and Jesus from the ground suspires  (White Quotes)
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