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I’m sick and tired of black and white people of good intent giving aspirin to a society that is dying of a cancerous disease  (White Quotes) Music is not written in red, white and blue. It is written in the heart’s blood of the composer  (White Quotes) That little white ball is always staring back at you, daring you to make a mistake  (White Quotes) White folks needs what black folks got just as much as black folks needs what white folks got, and we’s all got to stay here mongst each other and git along, that’s what  (White Quotes) That little white ball won’t move until you hit it, and there’s nothing you can do after it has gone  (White Quotes) There is no twilight zone of honesty in business. A thing is right or it’s wrong. It’s black or it’s white  (White Quotes) We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on  (White Quotes) There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect’s wings. But perhaps it is because I am a savage and do not understand. The clatter only seems to insult the ears  (White Quotes) Kindness is the only charm permitted to the aged; it is the coquetry of white hairs  (White Quotes) Autism is a neurological disorder. It’s not caused by bad parenting. It’s caused by, you know, abnormal development in the brain. The emotional circuits in the brain are abnormal. And there also are differences in the white matter, which is the brain’s computer cables that hook up the different brain departments  (White Quotes) I have found people on both sides of the aisle, white and black, that’ll give you the shirt off their back. And I’ve also found people that won’t give you a piece of bread if you’re starving to death  (White Quotes) I waited at the counter of a white restaurant for eleven years. When they finally integrated, they didn’t have what I wanted  (White Quotes) When I go through the airport and see white women walking through the airport barefooted, like athlete’s feet don’t exist, there’s something wrong  (White Quotes) When a sports movie really works, it gets you on all levels, because the stakes are high. It’s black and white. It’s win or lose  (White Quotes) How are things visible? Can you see an egg against a white background? Not by drawing a line around it can you make it evident  (White Quotes) More than half of all the hip hop record sales are white people, and I think that might be a result of my record helping people to accept hip hop  (White Quotes) I don’t like being lied to, so I only lie about the stupid things. White lies, basically  (White Quotes) Baby, black promoters oppressed me before white promoters ever got hold of me. Don’t talk skin to me  (White Quotes) Amongst black people, you have always heard it said that once a black man reaches a certain level, especially if you are an entertainer, you get a white trophy woman. I didn’t make that up  (White Quotes) I don’t enjoy living in a white box flooded with light. I like shadows, small spaces, old furniture  (White Quotes) People say you shouldn’t eat carbs, but that’s crap. I just try to stay away from white ones  (White Quotes) I think people must wonder how a white girl like me became a blues guitarist. The truth is, I never intended to do this for a living  (White Quotes) After all the black man has been through in this world, he can still often reach levels of spirituality the most pampered white man cannot touch. Maybe what he’s been through is the reason why  (White Quotes) Apparently, the heart of opposition to new gun regulations is in the white community. Yet white people face far less daily violence with guns  (White Quotes) It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice  (White Quotes) I was a psych major in college and I actually owned two white lab rats. I had to train them and I took them home so that’s just kind of missing for me  (White Quotes) Freedom is a struggle, and we do it together. Not only together as black citizens, but black and white together  (White Quotes) I was much more comfortable and a much better congressman running in a district that was 37 percent black, where I had to have a white constituency to get elected, than I would have been if I was in a 75 percent black district  (White Quotes) White supremacy is the conscious or unconscious belief or the investment in the inherent superiority of some, while others are believed to be innately inferior. And it doesn’t demand the individual participation of the singular bigot. It is a machine operating in perpetuity, because it doesn’t demand that somebody be in place driving  (White Quotes) The truth is black celebrities are not as sought after in the press as white celebrities, and that is comforting  (White Quotes)
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