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White Quotes

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As white snowflakes fall quietly and thickly on a winter day, answers to prayer will settle down upon you at every step you take, even to your dying day. The story of your life will be the story of prayer and answers to prayer  (White Quotes) I am not antiwhite, because I understand that white people, like black ones, are victims of a racist society. They are products of their time and place  (White Quotes) We are not fighting for the right to be like you. We respect ourselves too much for that. When we advocate freedom, we mean freedom for us to be black, or brown, and you to be white, and yet live together in a free and equal society. This is the only way that integration can bring dignity for both of us  (White Quotes) Don’t be in such a hurry. That little white ball isn’t going to run away from you  (White Quotes) Hockey is the only place where a guy can go nowadays and watch two white guys fight  (White Quotes) When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their soul!  (White Quotes) Find your bliss and your joy, know that you are a white light disco ball with no ceilings and no limitations  (White Quotes) The comic spirit masquerades in all things we say and do. We are each a clown and do not need to put on a white face  (White Quotes) Here’s a helpful life tip. Stand by things that are white cuz it makes you look less white  (White Quotes) Afflictions have the same use and end to our souls, that frosty weather hath upon those clothes that are laid and bleaching, they alter the hue and make them white  (White Quotes) People look back on those days through a thick veil of nostalgia, but life was hard if you were anything other than a rich, powerful white male  (White Quotes) The scene fascinated me: a round straw hat; the funnel leaning left, the stairway leaning right; the white drawbridge, its railings made of chain; white suspenders crossed on the back of a man below; circular iron machinery; a mast that cut into the sky, completing a triangle  (White Quotes) After eating, an epicure gives a thin smile of satisfaction; a gastronome, burping into his napkin, praises the food in a magazine; a gourmet, repressing his burp, criticizes the food in the same magazine; a gourmand belches happily and tells everybody where he ate; a glutton empraces the white porcelain alter, or more plainly, he barfs  (White Quotes) I want to take my rightful share of life by force, I want to give lavishly, I want love to flow from my heart, to ripen and bear fruit. There are many horizons that must be visited, fruit that must be plucked, books read, and white pages in the scrolls of life to be inscribed with vivid sentences in a bold hand  (White Quotes) One very important difference between color and monochromatic photography is this: in black and white you suggest; in color you state. Much can be implied by suggestion, but statement demands certainty... absolute certainty  (White Quotes) Like the great white pines whose roots grow shallow under the forest floor, they are the first to fall in a storm; so is society whose family values are built on a shallow foundation, are the first to crumble at the first sign of trouble  (White Quotes) White... is death. It’s hospitals. It’s my terrible nurses. White is absolute horror. It is just the worst  (White Quotes) It has occurred to me that possibly the white corpuscles may have the office of picking up and digesting bacterial organisms when by any means they find their way into the blood. The propensity exhibited by the leukocytes for picking up inorganic granules is well known, and that they may be able not only to pick up but to assimilate, and so dispose of, the bacteria which come in their way does not seem to me very improbable in view of the fact that amoebae, which resemble them so closely, feed upon bacteria and similar organisms  (White Quotes) We like things to be black or white, tall or short, here or there. We like to consider two sides to every story. Unfortunately, there aren’t always two sides. Sometimes there’s only one; more often, there are multitudes. Many facets on the stone. Nooks and crannies in abundance. Things are usually not either black or white, but multicolored  (White Quotes) Although wrongs have been done to me, I live in hopes. I have not got two hearts... Now we are together again to make peace. My shame is as big as the earth, although I will do what my friends have advised me to do. I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses and everything else, it is hard for me to believe the white men any more  (White Quotes) The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years  (White Quotes) Indians and animals know better how to live than white man; nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time fresh air, sunshine, and good water  (White Quotes) The piano keys are black and white but they sound like a million colors in your mind  (White Quotes) I photographed the entire thing in color because to photograph it in black and white would be to keep it as a tragedy. Because there is a tragic element to photographing, in this case not war, but the collapse. It was just destruction  (White Quotes) White lost because he failed to remember the right continuation and had to think up the moves himself  (White Quotes) Back in my time, and I sound old now, it was black and white boots and that was it. Now you’ve got snoods, people wearing headphones when they’re doing interviews, which I find disrespectful. Pink boots, green boots, you name it, even tights. They’ll be wearing skirts next  (White Quotes) Football is mesmerizing, because it’s a figurative war. You go in one direction till you get there, but you get there as a team, not as an individual. Players bond whether they’re black or white, much as soldiers do  (White Quotes) I like sweet wines. My idea has always been that when you’re young, you like sweet wines; and then you get sophisticated, and you drink dry white; and then you get knowledgeable, and you drink heavy reds; and then you get old, and you drink sweet again  (White Quotes) Holy is the dish and drain, the soap and sink, and the cup and plate and the warm wool socks, and the cold white tile, showerheads and good dry towelsand frying eggs sound like psalms, with bits of salt measured in my palm. It’s all a part of a sacrament, as holy as a day is spent  (White Quotes) Then it was intoxicating. The smooth takeoff, and the free feeling of having the world drop away. Soon after leaving the ground, they were crossing patches of stratus that lay in the valleys as heavy and white as glaciers. North for the first time. It was still an adventure, as exciting as love, as frightening  (White Quotes)
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