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White Quotes

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I think white is the most wonderful color of all, because within it one can find every color of the rainbow  (White Quotes) We are still conditioning people in this country and, indeed, all over the globe to the myth of white superiority. We are constantly being told that we don’t have racism in this country anymore, but most of the people who are saying that are white. White people think it isn’t happening because it isn’t happening to them  (White Quotes) Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them  (White Quotes) There’s no great, white bigot; there’s just about 200 million little white bigots out there  (White Quotes) Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped  (White Quotes) White men seem to have difficulty in realizing that people who live differently from themselves still might be traveling the upward and progressive road of life  (White Quotes) The more I consider the condition of the white men, the more fixed becomes my opinion that, instead of gaining, they have lost much by subjecting themselves to what they call the laws and regulations of civilized socieities  (White Quotes) Race is the great taboo in our society. We are afraid to talk about it. White folks fear their unspoken views will be deemed racist. People of color are filled with sorrow and rage at unrighted wrongs. Drowning in silence, we are brothers and sisters drowning each other. Once we decide to transform ourselves from fearful caterpillars into courageous butterflies, we will be able to bridge the racial gulf and move forward together towards a bright and colorful future  (White Quotes) It is forever unspeakable that man must suffer so. But you learn to control yourself, to work efficiently... I used to cry, and want to cry, but what do tears do? I was so proud when first I began to conquer... Your cheeks feel white just the same, but inside, not outside. Nobody can tell to look at you. Nobody  (White Quotes) We know our lands have now become more valuable. The white people think we do not know their value; but we know that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone  (White Quotes) When the time comes, the journey toward the brilliant white light that marks the barrier between this world and the next will not hold as much fear as it once would have. For in my study of death, I have found the celebration of life  (White Quotes) Only in black and white can I see the design and textures. I don’t consider color photography art. Black and white is an interpretation. Color is a duplication  (White Quotes) White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks  (White Quotes) As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage  (White Quotes) White is associated with purity because the entire spectrum is functioning in unity. White is a healing color. White is appropriate for weddings because the unity of male and female symbolizes the unity of allness  (White Quotes) I love being outdoors and think a tan is very sexy. I’ll lie out on white towels strewn with pillows. I don’t like to hide under hats. If anyone knows about spending lots of the time on the beach, with kids and dogs in tow, it’s me  (White Quotes) We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term  (White Quotes) Black men and women who refuse to live under oppression are dangerous to white society because they become symbols of hope to their brothers and sisters, inspiring them to follow their example  (White Quotes) I very much related to the idea of sexual identity and how it doesn’t have to be black and white. When I first came out, there would be butch people in baseball caps, and that wasn’t me, and then there were girls in heels and dresses, and that didn’t feel like that was me either. But after a while I learned there’s a lot of ground in between  (White Quotes) The corniest movie ever made about the white man’s need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt  (White Quotes) A lot of what I do is about being in the moment and I think that’s hard for people to get. I like it when things suddenly affect the painting. I mix up this red and it affects the whole painting or this little bit of white falls down there, and something changes the whole nature of the thing. The residue on what happens, that’s what’s in the paintings  (White Quotes) Do not be afraid of simplicity. If you have a cold chicken for supper, why cover it with a tasteless white sauce which makes it look like a pretentious dish on the buffet table at some fance dress ball?  (White Quotes) I have killed, robbed, and injured too many white men to believe in a good peace  (White Quotes) Black, white and nude are my essential colors. Each time I start a collection, I start with these colors; they are the elemental colors we refer to from the beginning  (White Quotes) Talk of world peace is heard today only among the white peoples, and not among the much more numerous coloured races. This is a perilous state of affairs. When individual thinkers and idealists talk of peace, as they have done since time immemorial, the effect is negligible. But when whole peoples become pacifistic it is a symptom of senility. Strong and unspent races are not pacifistic. To adopt such a position is to abandon the future, for the pacifist ideal is a terminal condition that is contrary to the basic facts of existence. As long as man continues to evolve, there will be wars  (White Quotes) Blue is the only color which maintains its own character in all its tones it will always stay blue; whereas yellow is blackened in its shades, and fades away when lightened; red when darkened becomes brown, and diluted with white is no longer red, but another color – pink  (White Quotes) It’s hard to live your life in color, and tell the truth in black and white  (White Quotes) In a snowfall that covers the winter grass a white heron uses his own whiteness to disappear  (White Quotes) Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white  (White Quotes) When you write a song, most of the words you use are in black and white, and then, from time to time, you use one that’s in color. These words in color are a part of ourselves, because we give them a meaning. If you like, we give them a third dimension  (White Quotes)
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