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I don’t really like the autumn. For me it is the beginning of winter and I hate the winter. White, the colour of death  (White Quotes) With the black and white films, one was concerned with tone... You had to make sure that the tone of your dress was not the same tone as the curtains, for instance  (White Quotes) Watercolour could have been used more by the modernists. It is so direct, and when the white paper convention is accepted, so powerful, even brutal, that it would seem an ideal medium  (White Quotes) I love to snuggle up on the sofa wrapped in my duvet watching old black and white films, and catching up with friends and family on the phone  (White Quotes) Giving no pain to any creature, let him slowly accumulate spiritual merit, for the sake,of acquiring a companion to the next world, just as the white ant,gradually raises its hill  (White Quotes) Snow. White, white, white, soft and clean, and maddening shapes, with the whole world in them  (White Quotes) My dancers must be able to do anything, and I don’t care if they are black or white or purple or green. I want to help show my people how beautiful they are. I want to hold up the mirror to my audience that says this is the way people can be, this is how open people can be  (White Quotes) What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive: the white ball sailing up into the sky, reaching its apex, falling and finally dropping to the turf, just the way I planned it  (White Quotes) The moon is looking down into the canyon, and how marvelously the great rocks kindle to her light! Every dome, and brow, and swelling boss touched by her white rays, glows as if lighted with snow  (White Quotes) The waking dreams of life as most people know them are spiritual experiences, but there is another order of spiritual experience and that’s to be in the garden of the heart, in the perfect stillness, where the white light of eternity meets the white light of eternity  (White Quotes) All the concepts, all knowings, all truths, all religous systems, all beliefs, fall away in the white light of eternity  (White Quotes) When you talk to people who have been in combat, there’s a sensory overload that happens. The color becomes vivid. Sounds become more pronounced. People talk about how, for them, the war was technicolor and real life was black and white after the war  (White Quotes) I’m a major feminist. There’s a real politic in life, where I’ve been in rooms where real decisions are made, and it’s a lot of powerful white men. There are women in those rooms, but not as many as there should be  (White Quotes) I think love keeps on changing every day.It’s not black and white and it’s definitely more than 50 shades of grey  (White Quotes) Just as the child must trust his mother, the white belt must believe in the good will of his instructor. There will be a time for questioning, but for now he must focus and train  (White Quotes) Commitments present themselves in delineations of black and white. You either honor your commitments or you don’t. Success is the result of making and keeping commitments to your self and others, while all failed or unfinished goals, projects and relationships are the direct result of broken commitments. It’s that simple, that profound, and that important  (White Quotes) In its broad aspects, the proper feeding of children revolves around a public recognition of the interdependence of the human animal upon his cattle. The white race cannot survive without dairy products  (White Quotes) I’m not interested in edges. I’m interested in the mass and color, the black and white. The edges happen because the forms get as quiet as they can be. I want the masses to perform. When I work with forms and colors, I get the edge  (White Quotes) White people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me  (White Quotes) When irrational terror takes to itself the fiat of moral goodness somebody has to die.... No man lives who has not got a panic button, and when it is pressed by the clean white hand of moral duty, a certain murderous train is set in motion  (White Quotes) There are people in the world who won’t watch a movie that’s in black and white. There’s got to be a special place in hell for them  (White Quotes) One of the things I’m concerned about is that I really want to make sure the races of all the characters are kept. I don’t like it when black characters become white in movies, or things like that  (White Quotes) If you have used colour throughout most of your artistic life, try just black and white... it will take your painting to another dimension where tone and form in all its permutations reign supreme  (White Quotes) I’ve never seen black men with fine white women. They be ugly. Mugly dogs  (White Quotes) Death and pain dominate this world, for though many are cured, they leave still weak, still tremulous, still knowing mortality has whispered to them; have seen in the folding of white bedspreads according to rule the starched pleats of a shroud  (White Quotes) I always say, the only time you gotta worry about getting booed is when you’re wearing a white uniform. And I’ve never been booed wearing a white uniform  (White Quotes) All lies, white or black, disgrace a gentleman, although I grant there is a difference: to say the least of it, it is a dangerous habit, for white lies are but the gentleman ushers to black ones  (White Quotes) Black or white good parts are hard to come by. A good actor with a good opportunity has a shot; without the opportunity it doesn’t matter how good you are  (White Quotes) Evil lives in a pit. If you want to fight it, you must climb down into the slime to do so. White cloaks show the dirt more thank black, and silver tarnishes  (White Quotes) If white and black and red and brown can come together to focus our energies on overcoming the racial malaise that persists, then this will have been a great moment  (White Quotes)
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