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I was blown away by being able to color. Then I started to draw... Bringing a blank white canvas to life was fascinating  (White Quotes) Between the black of yesterday and the white of tomorrow is the great gray of today, filled with nostalgia and fear of the future  (White Quotes) It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice  (White Quotes) The sand as white as old bones, the pine trees strangely red where the sun comes down. I cannot say if it is our love, or the day, that is ending  (White Quotes) We see many fine sunsets here, unique in the splendour of their colour. No doubt the surroundings in this fairyland of blue and white do much to increase their beauty  (White Quotes) See the fear and terror as black men run. White is right in the white man’s world, on the big white screen  (White Quotes) If a man has not studied painting, or at any rate black and white drawing, his eyes are wild; learning to draw tames them. The first step towards taming the eyes is to teach them not to see too much  (White Quotes) A few locks of dry white hair clung to his scalp, like wild flowers fighting for life on a bare rock  (White Quotes) I carry in my right hand war, and peace in my left... Here is a bloody belt and a white one. Take which you please  (White Quotes) I’ve changed music four or five times. What have you done of any importance other than be white?  (White Quotes) You can play the piano with the white keys only or you can play it with only the black keys. But for harmony you must use the black and the white keys  (White Quotes) I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender there will be no white flag above my door I’m in love and always will be  (White Quotes) Is it so simple or so black and white that rich people are just kind of inherently bad? and it’s obviously not the case  (White Quotes) I’m interested in the mass and color, the black and the white, the edges happen because the forms get as quiet as they can be  (White Quotes) The white people can go wherever they please and they will not be disturbed by us, and I want you to let them know  (White Quotes) The audience’s preferences for films are in black and white. They either like a film or they don’t  (White Quotes) People sometimes think I take a white canvas and paint a black sign on it, but this is not true. I paint the white as well as the black and the white is just as important  (White Quotes) If you see the world in black and white, you’re missing important grey matter  (White Quotes) Invariably pure and austere, poets mostly starve to death embracing empty mountains, and when white clouds have no master, they just drift off, idle thoughts carefree  (White Quotes) Rape was an insurrectionary act... I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race  (White Quotes) The bad guys are just a bunch of silly, stupid white men. and there’s a helluva lot more of us than there are of them. Use your power  (White Quotes) The sun beats down with a merciless white fire until the cloudless sky is scarcely blue but rather like the blade of a knife that for days has been ground to the stone  (White Quotes) ... We never worked for white people in their homes. No, sir, not even once! That is one of the accomplishments in my life of which I am the most proud, yes, sir!  (White Quotes) The white world is feverishly anxious to know of our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams. Organization is our strongest weapon  (White Quotes) Injustice boils in men’s hearts as does steel in its caldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time  (White Quotes) Who is it needs such flawless shafts as fate? What archer of his arrows is so choice, or hits the white so surely?  (White Quotes) The flaming rose gloomed swarthy red; the borage gleams more blue; and low white flowers, with starry head, glimmer the rich dusk through  (White Quotes) Silver, though white, yet it draws black lines; it shall not rule my palm there to mark forth its base corruption  (White Quotes) White clouds, whose shadows haunt the deep, light mists, whose soft embraces keep the sunshine on the hills asleep!  (White Quotes) Down she bent her head upon an arm so white that tears seemed but the natural melting of its snow, touched by the flushed cheek’s crimson  (White Quotes)
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