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I think everybody is covering their [posteriors] with the Enron scandal and it was very convenient that Sept. 11 came along to deflect the fact that they should never have been in the White House in the first place. What happened in the election was completely corrupt  (White Quotes) As I’ve submerged myself in news of the revolutions sweeping North Africa and the Middle East, I wanted desperately to feel part of what was going on. And then it hit me: This is what white people were doing to me after Obama was elected!  (White Quotes) The pioneer labor historian John Commons was not wrong when he wrote around World War One that exploiting and deepening such tensions as outpacing scientific management among U.S. innovations where bossing was concerned. Amidst the general miseries of proletarianization, workers also learned that one source of meager benefits and protections could lie in claiming a white skin  (White Quotes) Another California study counted 30,000 substance abusers who are pregnant are White woman. So, The Wire paints the picture of drug addiction, drug dealing, and drug abuse as being a specifically a Black issue  (White Quotes) A white leftist Mexican activist isn’t the same in the media as the son of a farmer in Guerrero, they aren’t worth the same. In the same imaginary of the Latin American Left exists a racism, a racism that corresponds to processes of colonialism internal to almost all countries in Latin America  (White Quotes) We all say data is the next white oil. [Owning the oil field is not as important as owning the refinery because what will make the big money is in refining the oil. Same goes with data, and making sure you extract the real value out of the data.]  (White Quotes) I like people like Ani DiFranco, a band called Elbow, of course John Lennon, George Harrison, Barry White. I have a lot of different influences and hopefully they all come together and make some sense  (White Quotes) I eat healthy and drink a lot of water. I eliminated most white sugar and dairy from my diet. It’s done wonders for me not only in maintaining a healthy weight, but it’s increased my energy levels and immunity  (White Quotes) Well, the most important thing a president will be is commander-in-chief. And that requires having an understanding of the complex issues on foreign policy. Foreign policy presents us often with hard choices, not black or white choices  (White Quotes) Everything’s not black and white. We choose to make bad decisions or not. I wanted to explore that and shine a light on it. Chip is trying to be a better person and lead a better life. His methods are just super flawed  (White Quotes) For me [Patriarchs] exist. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob exist today. They are people that you see with white beards. I have no doubt of their existence  (White Quotes) We shall sooner have the fowl by hatching the egg than by smashing it. Abraham Lincoln, White House speech 11 April 1865. Or arm th’ obdured breast With stubborn patience as with triple steel  (White Quotes) Abraham Lincoln freed the black man. In many ways, Dr. King freed the white man. How did he accomplish this tremendous feat? Where others - white and black - preached hatred, he taught the principles of love and nonviolence  (White Quotes) White people are very good at acting like they’re not racist. They deserve an Academy Award for that  (White Quotes) Its not easy taking your own advice, accepting what you don’t like hearing, and seeing the grey amongst the black and white  (White Quotes) We who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad feel that when you try and pass integration laws here in America, forcing white people to pretend that they are accepting black people, what you are doing is making white people act in a hypocritical way  (White Quotes) I believe there’s - now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not prejudiced - there’s some white people in this country who’ll never accept the black man as a golfer. That’s true  (White Quotes) During the decades after Brown v. Board of Education there was terrific progress. Tens of thousands of public schools were integrated racially. During that time the gap between black and white achievement narrowed  (White Quotes) One of the ways [racism] pops up is when they turn a comic into a live-action movie and there’s this temptation to make Asian characters white  (White Quotes) In a world of cell phones and satellite feeds - a world in which the president can sit in the White House situation room and watch a military action unfold on the other side of the world - it is not realistic to expect TV news to be anything but what it has become: a ceaseless flow of words and images that may or may not be accurate  (White Quotes) Any time someone carries a picket sign in front of the White House, that is the First Amendment in action.  (White Quotes) I’ve been very fortunate, because I’ve cooked for a lot of actors and actresses and musicians. I’ve cooked for presidents and I’ve been to the White House...  (White Quotes) Nothing is black or white, nothing’s ‘us or them.’ But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There’s incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope.  (White Quotes) I like black and white films. I don’t exactly know why - probably because there is a stylization which is removed from actual life, unlike a color film.  (White Quotes) My mother birthed three children and she adopted myself and another African-American son. My adoptive parents were Finnish. I grew up in a white picket neighborhood.  (White Quotes) The beauty of a Moroccan riad is undeniable, but even the most die-hard fan may find herself growing a little weary of what can come to feel like a one-size-fits-all aesthetic: tilework, white Berber rugs, woolen tribal throw pillows in reds and ochers, cut-metal lanterns.  (White Quotes) There’s a lot of Americans, black and white, who think that we’ve arrived where we need to be and nothing else needs to be done and affirmative action needs to be dismantled.  (White Quotes) I looked up affirmative action once in Wikipedia, and it said, ‘A measure by which white men are discriminated against,’ and I got so mad.  (White Quotes) The White House approved an exemption in Obamacare coverage for Congress and members of their staff. Members complained that the Affordable Care Act will cost them thousands extra a year in premiums. Wait a minute. It’s their bill. If it’s too expensive, why did they name it the Affordable Care Act?  (White Quotes) The simple truth is that balding African-American men look cool when they shave their heads, whereas balding white men look like giant thumbs.  (White Quotes)
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