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My teammates at Duke - all of them, black and white - were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball.  (White Quotes) At the entrance, my bare feet on the dirt floor, Here, gusts of heat; at my back, white clouds. I stare and stare. It seems I was called for this: To glorify things just because they are.  (White Quotes) My Mt. Rushmore of hero worship would include Ralph Waldo Emerson, Marcus Aurelius, Frank Sinatra and Barry White.  (White Quotes) I have the background singers of Ray Charles, the background singers of Smokey Robinson, and the background singers of Barry White and I built a choir around that.  (White Quotes) Barry White seemed so filled with self-parody at first that it was easy to dismiss him. But it is becoming increasingly obvious with every additional release that he is a very talented man.  (White Quotes) I have never been so calculating as to sing some Barry White song to get a girl. But I do think it’s very romantic to cook dinner and sit around the piano at night and sing together.  (White Quotes) Barry White, Smokey Robinson and Curtis Mayfield are big influences for me. But I’m also a metal head. I was in a bunch of punk rock bands. The Bee Gees, hip-hop and the Beach Boys are just as much of an influence on me as Smokey.  (White Quotes) I do dumb stuff, like playing my favorite dumb Barry White song and lip-synching into the mirror so it looks like his voice is coming out of my mouth.  (White Quotes) Baseball is very big with my people. It figures. It’s the only way we can get to shake a bat at a white man without starting a riot.  (White Quotes) The worst drivers are women in people carriers, men in white vans and anyone in a baseball cap. That’s just about everyone.  (White Quotes) There is nothing like Ruth ever existed in this game of baseball. I remember we were playing the White Sox in Boston in 1919, and he hit a home run off Lefty Williams over the left-field fence in the ninth inning and won the game. It was majestic. It soared.  (White Quotes) The young Obama’s lack of playing time on the high school basketball team was due more to his ability than the coach’s preference for white players.  (White Quotes) Abbey Clancy is incredible. I saw a picture of her in a white suit recently, and she looked amazing. Victoria Beckham always looks classy, and I like Coleen Rooney’s style too.  (White Quotes) Excuse us for the news, You might not be amused; But did you know White comes from Black? No need to be confused.  (White Quotes) I was poor white trash, no glitter, no glamour, but I’m not ashamed of anything  (White Quotes) When I was growing up, my white friends would call me: ‘Hey, Chief!’ Even when I go to work now, people call me ‘Chief.’  (White Quotes) I have spent many hours on the beach collecting sea glass, and I almost always wonder, as I bend to pick up chunk of bottle green or a shard of meringue white, what the history of the glass was. Who used it? Was it a medicine bottle? A bit of a ship’s lantern? Is that bubbled piece of glass with the charred bits inside it from a fire?  (White Quotes) With the red hair, you get the white skin; it’s a package deal. The cons are that you never look particularly attractive on the beach. The pros are in a softly lit room, you look pretty.  (White Quotes) I want to be a simple bride when I get married. I want a beach wedding where I am running around on the sand in a white dress.  (White Quotes) I would never let a white boy beat me. You can print that. I would never lose to a white person.  (White Quotes) What’s fascinating about D.C., the exteriors are these elaborate structures, this gorgeous architecture and beautiful stonework, and then you go inside and it’s crap-looking - apart from the White House, which is beautiful.  (White Quotes) I have one thing that I’m saving for my son. It’s a 1965 Chevy Impala Super Sport. It’s a beautiful sea-foam green color. It’s like a teal green, white interior, and it’s just a gorgeous car.  (White Quotes) I have just one black and white photograph left of my mother when she was younger. She was 17 when it was taken and beautiful with wispy curls and eyes that shone like dark marbles.  (White Quotes) I can see why people love the idea of a big white wedding - it is a day when they are the centre of attention and get to wear a beautiful dress. But that sounds awful to me because that is like getting ready to walk down the red carpet.  (White Quotes) A Crow is known wherever he is met by his beautiful white dress, and his tall and elegant figure; the greater part of the men being six feet high.  (White Quotes) A white cloth falls on your heart; How beautiful you are - The winter loves us, because only lovers have a pure heart.  (White Quotes) So the swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He flew into dark lanes, and saw the white faces of starving children looking out listlessly at the black streets  (White Quotes) Australia’s arid western region, from the town of Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean coast, is a beautiful, haunting, but largely empty land. Dominated by the harsh, almost uninhabited Great Sandy and Gibson deserts, the region is known only to Australian Aborigines, a handful of white settlers, and the few travelers who motor across it.  (White Quotes) O beautiful white land, olives and wild anemone and violet mingled among the shale, and purple wings of little winter-butterflies say, here Psyche, the soul, lies.  (White Quotes) Cassius Clay is a name that white people gave to my slave master. Now that I am free, that I don’t belong anymore to anyone, that I’m not a slave anymore, I gave back their white name, and I chose a beautiful African one.  (White Quotes)
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