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Perhaps we should worry less about judging people for being Mormon or Baptist or Muslim or gay or straight or black or white or Latino or by their religious or political brands and worry more about electing thoughtful, serious and ethical politicians on both sides of the political isle who are willing to work together for progress.  (White Quotes) I don’t like being lied to, so I only lie about the stupid things. White lies, basically.  (White Quotes) Poor privileged white men. Their stranglehold on power is slowly being loosened.  (White Quotes) All I wanted was a little piece of life, to be married, to have children.... I was trying my damnedest to lead a conventional life, for that was how I was brought up, and it was what my husband wanted of me. But one can’t build little white picket fences to keep the nightmares out.  (White Quotes) Being of color in America by no means amounts to a constant barrage of negativity. However, unlike being white, being of color means one’s race is a constant issue.  (White Quotes) There is this really old school stereotypical notion in Australia that to be Aboriginal you have to be black: anything but white or pale skinned. What ‘The Sapphires’ does is open up the conversation that I’ve been having my whole life, the fact that being indigenous isn’t about the color of your skin; it’s about your connection to your culture.  (White Quotes) I feel blessed that I am able to play really dark guys in a business where they usually want you to play the same character over and over. Poor Michael Rapaport will being playing white homeboys till the day he dies. That’s not the kind of career I want.  (White Quotes) Being transgender, like being gay, tall, short, white, black, male, or female, is another part of the human condition that makes each individual unique, and something over which we have no control. We are who we are in the deepest recesses of our minds, hearts and identities.  (White Quotes) Black people dance well because we start early - there’s music being played everywhere. White people? They don’t start dancing until they get to college, and by then, it’s too late; the bottom don’t move with the top no matter how hard they try.  (White Quotes) Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas. ... Why does he get so much publicity? Because he’s white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest.  (White Quotes) But presidents matter. That’s one of the biggest lessons I learned being in the White House.  (White Quotes) I’m really not an avowed heterosexual. I’m no more proud of it than of being white or tall.  (White Quotes) I was shadow health secretary for six years, and the beauty of being in opposition - if there is any beauty - is that you tend to get a pretty unvarnished view because no one bothers to paint the coal white before you turn up.  (White Quotes) I like men. I like the sound of their voices, the way they think. They’re more sensitive than women. With a woman, everything is either this or that, black or white. But a man can see shades of gray. That’s what I call being sensitive.  (White Quotes) Sometimes get lost in the white noise of people’s anger and being super adamant on one side or the other. And what fails to happen is that you actually aren’t disseminating the information that you want to get across to these people.  (White Quotes) One of my earliest recollections is being woken up at some ungodly hour in the morning by my parents and sat in front of the fairly new black and white television, watching a grainy image of a man in a white suit climbing down a ladder. It was the first moon landing, and I became a sort of spaceman, as many kids were.  (White Quotes) When designing a collection that is traditional, that has one specific sort of garment like a white dress, I think just being constantly attuned to trends really help.  (White Quotes) It’s always weird being the only white person in a group. It feels like everyone’s looking to me for guidance.  (White Quotes) Here’s the reality. The image of a white Jesus has been used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally millions of human beings whose lives have been snuffed out by people who conquered under the banner of a white God.  (White Quotes) White supremacy is the conscious or unconscious belief or the investment in the inherent superiority of some, while others are believed to be innately inferior. And it doesn’t demand the individual participation of the singular bigot. It is a machine operating in perpetuity, because it doesn’t demand that somebody be in place driving.  (White Quotes) You can’t judge Islam by those people any more than you can judge Christians by abortion clinic bombers or white separatists. Love turn to hate at the fringes of any belief system.  (White Quotes) George W. Bush is a leader, and that’s what we need in the White House. George Bush is someone you can believe and trust.  (White Quotes) The greatest problem is not with flat-out white racists, but rather with the far larger number of Americans who believe intellectually in racial equality but are quietly oblivious to injustice around them.  (White Quotes) A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldn’t believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation.  (White Quotes) One lady told me that before she saw ‘Sounder’ she didn’t believe black people could love each other, have deep relationships in the same way as white people.  (White Quotes) The way I was educated, maybe from just inhaling something in the air back then, I grew up believing that E. B. White occupied the apex of essay writing.  (White Quotes) I just umpire. That’s what I’ve done. That’s all I can do. I’m one of the fortunate ones on God’s earth. I found what God meant for me to do. People ask if I like working home plate best. I just want to be between the white lines. That’s where I belong, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  (White Quotes) I write flawed characters. Ones that do not always make the best decisions and are driven by ambition or lust. They are not black or white, they are in the large space that exists between.  (White Quotes) I will spend anything on the best sheets in the world because I am going to be in them every night. I like them white and crazy soft.  (White Quotes) My school was 90 percent white, but 90 percent of the kids I played with were black. So I got the best of both worlds. I think that is where my comedy developed.  (White Quotes)
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