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This is what heaven’s gonna be like. Not just a white church or a black church, but people.  (White Quotes) Senator John Stennis: The civil rights movement did more to free the white man that the black man. ... It freed my soul.  (White Quotes) I think it’s because it was an emotional story, and emotions come through much stronger in black and white. Colour is distracting in a way, it pleases the eye but it doesn’t necessarily reach the heart.  (White Quotes) White... is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black... God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white.  (White Quotes) I’m not a painter by any stretch of the imagination; I’m a dyed-in-the-wool traditional illustrator, and I begin with black and white. If I need colour, I add it over the top. There’s a calligraphic element to it... it’s about the texture of lines on the page.  (White Quotes) I have always liked black and white! It is simple and the colour of the piano.  (White Quotes) When I first started doing comedy, there was no such thing as a room that had black people and white people in it. That didn’t exist.  (White Quotes) My comedy has no color, it’s for everybody, black, white, Latino, Asian. It’s not a pro-black show, not a def jam show; it’s just straight, wholesome type of humor.  (White Quotes) Blackness is a state of mind, and I identify with the black community. Mainly, because I realized, early on, when I walk into a room, people see a black woman, they don’t see a white woman. So out of that reason alone, I identify more with the black community.  (White Quotes) I’m albino, my family is white, but I was really raised, and taught my important life lessons, by the black community.  (White Quotes) The reason why rappers are living in - you know, driving in Mercedes-Benz’s and living in neighborhoods is because they’re selling their music, not just to the black community, but to the white community.  (White Quotes) Darkness and light. Black and white. But which is death, and which is life?  (White Quotes) What a moth might see from birth to death if black were white and white were black,  (White Quotes) Racial discrimination against a white is as unconstitutional as race discrimination against a black.  (White Quotes) After assessing what’s in your closet, make a list of what you need. Not want, but need. Write down the basics missing from your wardrobe. It could be a classic white shirt, a trenchcoat, or the perfect little black dress. Whatever the blank spots, write them down. This will be your reference for shopping.  (White Quotes) Golf is a game where white men can dress up as black pimps and get away with it  (White Quotes) That reasonably intelligent and well-meaning young people are willing to call white black is a matter of concern. It raises questions about our ways of education and about the values that guide our conduct.  (White Quotes) In 1965, when great young white artists in the English-speaking world were successfully re-channeling hillbilly and black music - you know Bob Dylan, Ray Davies, Pete Townsend, Keith Richards - they didn’t get any money at first. They were all broke.  (White Quotes) My experience has to be funnelled through a black experience or a white experience, or it doesn’t exist, because that’s how we’re going to deal with the world.  (White Quotes) I think hip-hop has definitely brought the black experience to white kids more than the civil rights movement did and more than any teacher’s well-intentioned lecture on Martin Luther King did.  (White Quotes) Having a white parent undoubtedly makes for a different childhood experience than having two black parents.  (White Quotes) I don’t think a white person can write accurately and convincingly about what black people experience of oppression.  (White Quotes) If you see a black family, it’s looting, but if it’s a white family they are looking for food.  (White Quotes) The dream was not to put one black family in the White House, the dream was to make everything equal in everybody’s house.  (White Quotes) There are black men who are madly in love with white women. God bless them, if that’s what works for them. I just hope that we can strike a balance that portrays black folks and the black family in a light that’s not extreme. Those are the types of characters that I find myself attracted to.  (White Quotes) My father had a dairy farm. He employed three black families and one white family, and I used to play with black children.  (White Quotes) I think a lot of times stereotypes come when there are disconnected white writers who maybe have two or three black friends, and they write black characters, and they put them in situations that are ridiculous.  (White Quotes) I have friends who are black whose families opened their arms to them when they came out; I have friends who were white where they were rejected.  (White Quotes) There is a genocide that is taking place among black men, in particular young black men, but it is not a genocide being perpetuated by white cops, by the Nazis, or by the Klan. Unfortunately and tragically, it is being perpetuated by other young black men.  (White Quotes) America’s most dangerous and threatening black man is the one who has been kept sealed up by the Northerner in the black ghettos - the Northern white power structure’s system to keep talking democracy while keeping the black man out of sight somewhere, around the corner.  (White Quotes)
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