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I’m tired of having to consult a group of old white guys about my black girl craft. They don’t even know what they’re listening for or to.  (White Quotes) My fan base is extremely random. It’s the 14-year-old white kid sitting next to your auntie from St. Luke’s Baptist Church, to the 20-year-old Black girl who probably would go to a Rihanna concert, but she’s coming to my show.  (White Quotes) But in the end, black can never be white, one plus one must always equal two, and Mara Lynn was a normal little girl.  (White Quotes) Death metal uses a lot of white face paint and black hair dye to make its point. I quite enjoy this genre for its intensity, extremism and underlying irony: You have to be alive to play it and listen to it.  (White Quotes) U.S. foreign policy is Manichaean. It’s like a Hollywood movie. You have to know who has the white hat and who has the black hat and then go against the black hat.  (White Quotes) I watch these old films in black and white, and suddenly the door opens, and there I am. The other day, I was wearing the most awful hat.  (White Quotes) What if history was changed? slavery reversed Would black ladies see white boys and clinch they purse?  (White Quotes) I think the end is endless. It’s either a big black hole or a big white light or both together. But it’s totally meaningless, because even if someone would explain it, I wouldn’t understand it.  (White Quotes) There’s something great about terrible westerns. They look like gay dancers and bad, overwrought dialogue and overacting, black and white sped up horses.  (White Quotes) My father was a dark-skinned brother, but my mother was a very fair-skinned lady. From what I understand, she was Creole; we think her people originally came from New Orleans. She looked almost like a white woman, which meant she could pass - as folks used to say back then. Her hair was jet-black. She was slim and very attractive.  (White Quotes) No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women... When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women.  (White Quotes) I dug up some old John Buscema ‘Conan’ comics. Man, when Alfredo Alcala was inking, that was some of the most beautiful black and white comic art ever published. The stories are good, too, though early 70s comics based on Conan is a festival of sexist, racist stereotypes.  (White Quotes) We must stand up and say, I’m black and I’m beautiful, and this self-affirmation is the black man’s need, made compelling by the white man’s crimes against him.  (White Quotes) I wear the same thing every day. I always pack two black jackets, loads of black T-shirts, loads of white jeans. I feel a little fresh and glamorous and graphic.  (White Quotes) The piano by its black and white keys always attracted me, my father showed me how to use... and slowly I got into playing.  (White Quotes) I hate the term ‘black’ because it doesn’t bring to life who we are as a people. The term ‘black’ has more negative synonyms than the term white.  (White Quotes) I have a great body, I really do. But I want to be taken seriously as an artist, and wearing anything that shows it off will be a distraction from the music. That’s how my signature uniform, my tuxedo, came about. It’s classic and timeless. You’ll see me in black, white, and a pop of color on my lips. That pop adds a little magic.  (White Quotes) My limo driver’s white, my attorney black... ‘Show me some love’ like I’m Bernie Mac.  (White Quotes) I love... anything in black and white. Just put it on the TV, I’ll watch.  (White Quotes) We value men more than women... straight love more than gay love... white skin more than black skin... and adults more than adolescents.  (White Quotes) Relationships are not straight forward. They’re not black and white. Sometimes things don’t always going in a straight line, and that’s okay. Love can be very confusing.  (White Quotes) I’m more eclectic.Maybe I’m minimalist in the respect that I love black...black for the winter, white for the summer, you know? But I love artisanal things.  (White Quotes) Love and hate, black and white, Right or wrong, who is right? Some smoke joints to anoint their brain To the vanishing point...so they won’t go insane.  (White Quotes) I joke to people in the press that I realize I’m not black, I’m actually white. But I’ve got these roots in black American music. I love it.  (White Quotes) The only truth is face to face, the poem whose words become your mouth and dying in black and white we fight for what we love, not are  (White Quotes) I’m kind of in a middle space, being marketed as a biracial actor. Roles are written either stereotypically black, or they’re written ‘normal,’ which is just code for white.  (White Quotes) Hate walks hand in hand with hate, and black metal especially is a genre that is full of white power bands.  (White Quotes) I always wear beige, black or white. For one thing I look good in them. For another, when I’m beside a star at a fitting, and she looks into the mirror, I don’t want to be competing in any way.  (White Quotes) A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared.  (White Quotes) My parents had to go to Ohio to get married in 1965 because it was still illegal in Mississippi. My white father and black mother.  (White Quotes)
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